Has Bill Howes ever been on the show?

0  2014-03-07 by maynardsabeast

Has Bill Howes ever been on the show? Did Katie Holmes get a restraining order on him? And exactly when did <BiLL hOwES> begin working for the CIA as a undercover operative? When Exactly did <bILL HoWeS> get that chip implanted into his brain. What is the end game and benefit of <bILL HoWeS>and his double life as a government shill begin? Was it before or after the chip was implanted? People, <BiLL HowES> only thinks in the 4th dimension! Are you familiar with quantum physics? Bill is. Bill Howes knows things that we dont. He is on a whole other plane of consciousness. <BILL HOWES>


This could reach front page over there in /r/conspiracy

This clearly belongs in /r/quanspiracy

Bill Howes rules! He thinks...no...~KNOWS~ that I'm undercover Jim Norton on facebook.