No More Bob Levy

27  2014-03-07 by Twittervoice

He went from being the unfunniest person on the Stern show to the unfunniest person on the O&A show. He stinks and I don't like him. Every joke he cracks is either unfunny, or hack material/public domain jokes.

At least we can watch Bob Levy getting knocked down by Danny Bonaduce's security guards:


He did help Bobo out when that cabdriver stole his money tho.

Despite being overly aggressive in trying to be funny, he probably is a pretty good guy. Jimmy sticks up for him because he was genuinely nice to Jimmy when he had no reason to be, back when Jimmy was just a nobody comic starting out. He seems like he has some personal issues, but for me at least, it's getting harder for me to bash the guy.

He uses openers to drive him to gigs so he can get fucked up an not have to I've heard.

Jimmy himself has said that he used to have to drive Levy around because Levy was drunk all the time. But Jim has also said that Levy helped him out a lot, and I think he'd know the truth about his relationship with Levy more than anyone. Florentine and Levy were part of a show on Howard Stern. They're all buddies that have helped each other out.

I know Levy talks about being a good guy and there are a fair amount of comics who will vouch for him but he also exploits the shit out of people. Before Stern stopped having Bob as a guest, Bob used to tour with one of Stern's "wack pack" characters, Beetlejuice. (If you're unfamiliar, he's a midget with a shrunken head and is partially retarded). The Stern fans fuckin love beetlejuice (he is hilarious). So after Beet's manager/care taker died, Bob took hold of Beet and carted him around like a side show to get people to come to his gigs. He'd advertise the show as Beet and Bob so people would come to see Beet. Beet would take the stage for a minute and then you're stuck with hack Bob Levy the rest of the night. People who went to these shows used to call Howard and complain and at one point Howard brought up how he heard Bob was not paying Beet for these shows. Bob would "hold onto the money" for him. I think he's just a desperate guy with some expensive habits who is too old to get a real job at this point.

he also got destroyed by Marion. Not really knowing much about the dude I thought it was funny when he kept calling Lady Di a man. But damn, during that first super show when Marion bitched him out made me realize how hack he is.

the man bit was funny once, but of course he took that and ran it into the ground.

the best thing about getting shit on by marion is that she was known for having the worst comebacks

Marion is notoriously aggressive in arguments-- Though she relies heavily on re-working any insult previously used.

-- oapedia

I'm loving how the boys are slowly starting to turn on him. One day they're gonna blow up on him.

If you've never heard, I highly recommend Artie Lange's 2007 dissertation on Bob Levy.

That was amazing. Artie paints a hell of a picture of patheticness and depravity.

Sorry but him calling in to Lady Di and constantly calling her "him" or "sir" makes me laugh.

Agreed, but then he got slayed by Marion...

Wow does Levy just look fucking pathetic in that video. I almost feel sorry for the guy, kind of.

I think everyone associated with that show isn't exactly winning at life.


I'd rather listen to an short phone call from needy Bob every day than another forced Erock bit that goes on for weeks.

wholeheartedly disagree. I can listen to ERock talk about German Goulash for hours

One punchliiiiiiine.

More Levy i say,it's quality cringe!

The dude got destroyed by Daniel Carver of all people. What a fucking schmuck.

I have to agree. I don't get why they let him on every single day. He's the definition of everything they love to rag on. Mostly desperate and unfunny. I guess Jimmy's just being a good friend

Future Jimmy sees Bob Levy and realizes that's going to be him in 10 or 15 years, so he's nice to him.

No moron, Levy just got them tons of gigs when they were coming up so they feel a sense of guilt/loyalty.

It was a fucking joke, you cunt. Relax.

Thats a ridiculous thing to say. Say whatever you want about Jimmys standup (I personally think hes right up there after Burr) but Jimmy is the quickest comic I've ever heard. He will always have a popular radio show as long as he wants to.

Jimmy's awesome on the show but I can't get into his standup. His delivery mostly kills it for me and the jokes seemed forced. He's so awesome on the show because it flows right.

I always thought I was the only one thinking this for years

Relax, it was a fucking joke.

Whatever, I love it when Bob Levy calls in to Lady Di! Whether he derails it or gets the joke in I find it entertaining.

Dude, he's the worst. The best was when Dave Attel kept shitting on him for doing a show in a steak house...

Old, but this is audio from Levy on Stern insisting Dave Chappelle stole the joke "I want to beat my dick like it owes me money" from him.

I was lulled into a false sense of security by the undeniably hilarious bit with him calling Lady Di "sir", it turns out that was just a lucky shot and everything else has been awkward since. I assume they let him have his time on the show because he was disowned by Stern.

More Nick Dipaolo please.

Obligitory Levy Post

BTW that Levy Bonaduce thing was a setup which was admitted by both


Word to everything said about Jimmy's loyalty to Levy.

Also, I'm sure Opie felt early on like he could poach some more ex-Stern listeners with Levy. I'm sure by now the boys have realized how awful Levy is on the radio and how little pull he has.

No more Bob Levy.... you want MORE Bob Levy?

I just skip forward when he is on because he just derails the show. Tries to be funny but falls into the douche pit of awful and he's sooo needy. He's a friend of the show,but the boys aren't comfortable around him and don't bust his ball like they do with Vos,Colin etc. I'm sure he's a nice guy and was pretty good on LFTC,probably the reason why they don't say no to the guy.

Bob Levy was on Stern?

He was a regular on the show for a while and also had a show (miserable men) on Howard's channels. I think he ended up threatening Howard at one point and Howard had him completely banned from the building.

Really? Holy shit, I had no idea. Why would O&A have this guy on if he had threatened the dude and banned from Sirius?

Probably to annoy Howard.

He helped out Jimmy early in his career, no? They go way back, I believe.

Jimmy and him are friends. Yeah.

Originally I would say it was Opie's idea to have him on in studio to bash howard. then he was banned from the building and now I think they only take his calls because they feel bad for him.

He's one of the reasons I can't get my brother into listening to O&A. He got a new car with XM and I told him to check out the show and Bob Levy was on. He lost any chance of respect for the show bc we saw Levy at a Stern stand-up show and felt like we should get money back even though the tickets were free. Bob Levy is a hack whose "best joke" is having a slut from the audience pour blue cheese dressing on their chest so he can lick it off. That's his big finish after 15 minutes of really weak jokes.

Is bob levy the new tom papa on /r/opieandanthony?

You guys know dave chappelle stole beat my dick like it owes me money from levy right?


The only comedian caller worse than Bob is Jay Mohr. You do impressions, we get it.

You spelled Joe DeRosa incorrectly.

Nah, Derosa is good for some fag/tranny teasing. He loves them beans and franks.

I've warmed a little to DeRosa ever since I started listening to his and Burr's podcast. I really can't handle Mohr's phoniness though.

I think bob is funny

One punchliiiiiiine.

wholeheartedly disagree. I can listen to ERock talk about German Goulash for hours

He uses openers to drive him to gigs so he can get fucked up an not have to I've heard.

Jimmy himself has said that he used to have to drive Levy around because Levy was drunk all the time. But Jim has also said that Levy helped him out a lot, and I think he'd know the truth about his relationship with Levy more than anyone. Florentine and Levy were part of a show on Howard Stern. They're all buddies that have helped each other out.