For anyone who doesn't listen to Burr's podcast, I recommend checking out this week's, especially the second half where him and Virzi are talking about what they would do if they had a time machine. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

14  2014-03-06 by [deleted]

Paul Virzi is fucking hilarious.


Dude, I called it.

Dr Caaaarvers easy shave BUUUUTTTAAAAAAAAAA

"WANTED: Sweat-pantsed man from the future. He's only been in the era 20 minutes and he's already killed 600 people."

Virizi kills me with how confident he is in his ridiculous ideas. I'm going to check out his podcast.

"How do you expect to maintain a friendship with someone you have your gun trained on". This was a great episode.

Sober-Bill and his un-high pot-talk meditations own, he's so transparently honest and reflective. He's got a golden soul. That Sociopath-test bit was hilarious.

love that he's friends with a bunch of road comics, ol billy humble


Well its not like you cant download the show or stream over 3/4G using at least a good 100 other apps on android and apple. Or even download a 3rd party app, that downloads videos from youtube to your phone over wifi to save later.

Its not like if its not on stitcher its lost forever. There are 100s of ways to get any show, anywhere, anytime if you used google for all of 20 seconds.