3/5/14 Show

9  2014-03-05 by xxcandybuttsxx


Jason Ellis needs to shut his fucking Cake Horn

Tootin' that shit.

if u wanna hear them trash ellis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBYyUAsRDN8


This Jason Ellis thrashing is way over due.

Enough with unfunny Bob Leevy trying to make himself a part of the show and caling in. Every. Single. Day.

Don't call them, Bob, they'll call you.

Levy is very funny. He can't come into the studio, fucking Stern security made accusations against him.

Levy stinks.

"I think I should be hosting The Tonight Show. I believe that in my soul."

Awkward silence after that. Ugggggghhhhh douche chills. C'mon Opster.

"he should just tattoo a big 2 on his face or somethin" - Ope Operson

LOL! Opie is such a whiny try-hard at times... Less is more when it comes to dOpie on the mic. Wish he would repeat words, repeats wordssssss more.


I liked how he had to explain that one. What a dickface.

Did he really say that? And he was serious?

Yes, he really said that. And of course if you questioned Opie on it he'd say "it's just a dumb radio bit".

No he wasn't. He was just making a point.

Arobben's quote is "I believe that in my soul". So he didn't say that?

He did.

He was proving the point that Jason believing that he was the best was fine, it was the other horseshit the boys had a problem with.

Ellis is doing exactly what O&A used to do .... "fighting up". You fight a bigger entity to get them to talk about you. O&A used to do it to Howard. Ellis is doing it to O&A. And it worked. He got an hour of exposure on O&A.

You'd think O&A would remember the game they used to play - but I guess eating up an hour of airtime bitching was just too easy to run with.

That's old thinking. Morning zoo style "Ignore it and it'll go away." You've missed the most important part. Opie and Anthony are confident their show is better, they aren't afraid of talking about other shows, because they have faith in their material. They want people to go across and see what Ellis is about . . . and they know it's not good. People come back with fresh appreciation of what good radio is.

they have faith in their material

YouTube videos and UFC fighter interviews?

Yup. I've never heard of the guy until now.

You're an idiot.

It sure worked out well for, Bubba the love sponge, Jim Phillips, Maxwell, Darien O'toole, Scorch, Grey and Kluck, Don & Mike and Shannon Burke.

Oh wait...

He does kind of have a point. O&A did do the same thing with WNEW calling everyone old and out-of-touch. That the radio station they were on was on it's way out and that they were the up-and-comers. They even lied about they're age to seem younger and hip, similar to how Ellis lied about how he's new to radio.

Of course, the way Ellis did it was lame and phony while the way O&A did it was a little ballsier and way more entertaining - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-O-hEiSJtI

Darien OToole had the best conclusion out of all of them

It funny because she's dead

I was going to ask who in the blue fuck that is. I guess it hardly matters now.

i like how they told Tracy Morgan to get fucked.

Opie hammers it home about wanting Ellis on the channel

Always hated Ellis. Glad he got a beating.

If his show's audience is way bigger than o&a's, it sure doesn't translate to subreddit subscribers. 6,269 vs 626.

I forgot about the AMA and just to hear Opie putting it in the show seems that it was a good one.

Lol Opie brings up two different things about deblasio, Travis points it out and Opie ends with "youve confused the situation"

Idiots yelling about charter schools and they don't even know what they are. Holy fuck.

It's 3:30 in the AM, I just climbed into bed and turned off the lights, and I start dicking around with my phone before I fully commit to sleep, I decide to check Reddit, and as I'm doing so it occurs to me that, despite being a massive O&A fan, I've never once listened to the show live. Ever. I've probably spent roughly several hundred hours of my life listening to the show, just never live.

Sleep tight little fella

Such a sweet boy.

The little Jesse Ventura rap they just played was great.

Im so ready for this.

Chelsea "Black in my Box" Handler should be interesting…

Ugh, is Handler on the show today?

9 o'clock hour!

Jason Ellis is clearly "the todd show's" best friend




Wonder what's on Ol' man Jason Ellis' FB page?

not sure when this is from, but dogstarradio says jason ellis is #1 and #2 in both show schedule categories. maybe that or something similar is what ellis was referencing.. either way i find it hard to believe o&a aren't on the list and ellis is bigger than howard in any way shape or form

This information is extremely outdated. For starters, it lists Bubba the Love Sponge as still being on satellite radio and if you look at the tag line for the site it says "...maybe XM" which implies to me that it is from the Sirius perspective before the merger.

I've... never even heard of Dogstarradio. Somehow I feel I should dismiss their numbers.

I felt like i was listening to NYC AM Radio.. fucking local politics and charter schools? i was looking for my homer simpson sounds BE MORE FUNNY! BOORING!

Why are you pitching a fit?


It reminds me of when Pat Cooper made his first appearance on O and A when he was talking about Howard's disdain for them. Something like 'if you're the King of All Media, why give them attention?' But Opie can't help it, because Opie is Howard.

Was Bob Levy kidding when he said O&A are leaving in October?

Wouldn't put too much stock in that, both O & A have said they are leaving months before contract is up since i started listening beginning of 2011 and here they remain


Fez went off on a rant yesterday and said "these people need to shut their cake horns" and Ronnie stopped him while they all laughed at him for an hour. It's the most pissed off Fez has been in years.


the trashing was a bit overboard. they made it seem like ellis fucked their mothers. of course he thinks his show is better

Does anyone have the audio of Jim Jefferies putting Ellis in his place?

It's in the later part of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYu6X9qpZCk&index=9&list=PLE7Fur6gaiK3UpisuVDhdLUE6JDeGWcFE

From what I remember of this Jefferies takes a couple of shots at him for his over the top energy, but nothing really serious. Ellis plows right over Jefferies in a dick way, and Jim ends up going silent (I think he may have even left the room at one point). After Ellis hangs up, Jefferies goes off on how irritating the guy is.


Ugh. So many of you focus in the thing the boys had absolutely no problem with. At least listen to the show before you comment, they all said he SHOULD believe his show is better.

Opie trying to tie it all back to Howard was embarrassing.

Have you never heard audio of Ellis sucking Howies dick?

No, because I don't care about Ellis or Stern.

Tss I'll take the soup.

The bitchfest about Joe Ellis was embarrassing.

No, because I don't care about Ellis or Stern.

Arobben's quote is "I believe that in my soul". So he didn't say that?