Here's a boy, all of 10 years old, doing his best Chip Chipperson impression from just being a fan, watching the YouTube clips of Chip at ComicCon. Obviously it's HORRENDOUS, but lets get this fucking kid on the show...

0  2014-03-05 by clarkiswhite


I was going to come in as Chip here.. but I cannot grasp how theres only 12 views on this after a year.. and somehow it's still linked here by someone who found it that has been an active member of this subreddit for awhile.

My only assumption is that he is the father of the boy.

i would've said the same thing if I were you. Sadly, I had a vasectomy some years back.

He's your nephew then, or just a kid who grew up in your basement. Regardless it would be very hypocritical for O&A to talk shit about retards being allowed to play sports with the regular athletes one week and turn around and let this hack on the next.

swear to God, just saw it while looking for chip videos, reminded me of me as a young fan. Wanted to make the boys feel older than they are already by giving them an idea of time, and how long they've been on the air.




He has potential to be the next Jim Norton. He should get a HIV test NOW before it's too late.

He's fockin good.