Jesse Ventura AMA today. We should at least try...SOMETHING

22  2014-03-04 by [deleted]


All 12 of you sure are going to turn this thing on its head.

reddit is a follow the leader type of social environment anyway, so if there's 12 upvotes, the majority will blindly follow along.

"oh look, -1 points, I hate this comment too!"


"What was it like playing Riff Raff on the Rocky Horror Picture show?"

I'm cool with this

It was also suggested we ask about Chris Kyle.

what kind of man sues the wife and children of a dead US soldier over a comment made on a morning zoo radio show?

Did you find it difficult to bulk-down for the role? Did you take any diet AIDS?

I say we bomb it with show references like we did that one thread a while back.

we just need to post our comments in this thread so everyone can upvote them.

Speaking from my 4th account. That will get you shadowbanned by the reddit admins.


I've seen that board before and they're your typical virginy Reddit hipster libs. I will take great pleasure in seeing them get Ramoned.

Let's all just write: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

I like this idea. I think it would be really funny if we flooded the AMA with that.

Jesse is too dumb to know that's an insult.

Hes not dumb. He was a navy seal. That means he's smarter than you and has power over you.

Oh he wasn't JUST a Navy Seal

He was a fighter...a governor...

A balloon blower upper.

Who's never late for supper.

Did he blow up shaq balloon?

If he didn't he will soon.

Did he ever eat an orange?

Yes. After he fixed the door hinge. ; )

Fuck it you win this one. :(

You'll win the next FUCK!

I also like this.

I will enjoy your shadowbans.

Eh I actually like Ventura. He's a bit if a whacko about some things but he's entertaining and a lot of the surveillance and police state shit he used to talk about on the show and get trashed about turned out to be right after the NSA shit got leaked by Snowden. His tru tv show was obviously horse shit but it was funny.

The move is to provoke him into it. Like... "Is it true you wont debate jim norton out of fear he will kick your ass?"

Jimmy would so put him in an arm bar.



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His loyal army of basement dwelling virgins versus our loyal army of basement dwelling virgins. I like our odds.


I don't think that word is an accurate descriptor of an O&A fan.

I sure hope people don't ask him about absurd conspiracies or conundrums and then ask him to Schinkellboutit.


FYI: He'll be doing the AMA from 2-4 PM Eastern

This is of utmost importance.

Ya, we gotta get in there right at 2


Who fucking cares


"Why did you say the F-word in front of Jim Norton?"

don't mention Jim or O&A



Ask him why being the demolition expert he is he didn't think there was anything fishy about 9/11 when he was at ground zero weeks after the attacks.


Or ask him why he goes by his wrestling character name instead of his real name James Janos.


we just need to post our comments in this thread so everyone can upvote them.