
9  2014-03-04 by fattypigfatty

Anyone else surprised that they didn't mention this whole thing at all? I know it's a comedy show but it's not like they never talk about world news ever. I don't expect or want the boys to turn into NPR but it could definitely turn into a big deal and I was a little surprised it was not mentioned once.


Ant will repeat what he heard on FOX, Jimmy will agree with him and Opie won't give a fuck.

Truck driver will call in saying he knows a Ukrainian and communists should be nuked!

I'd rather they don't for all these reasons.

Opie: "I've said it once and I'll say it again: I might not agree with what Ukraine has to say but I'll fight for their right to fawhkin say it."

"They gotta figure it out ".

Opie's all in with Ukranian nationalists and their fight for independence.

Shinkel 'bout it.

"What's up boys, love you love the show. My wife's friend is actually a Ukranian and [insert ludicrious made up story]. Punching out, boys."

No but it would be interesting to have someone like Mike Baker on for it.

Fuck that idiot.

His head would explode—will he side with lefty populist protestors or the terrifying ex-KGB guy? Best left to the adults, I agree.

thank god they havent bored us with this, let the experts talk politics and not these bozos

All of this will undoubtedly be spectacular for yakov smirnoff's career

His retirement seems conveniently timed....

It's a Quanspiracy.

spiracy spiracy spiracy spiracy


Why not Youk-snow?

Double genocides Chipperson

The boys talk politics: ugh those dopes don't know anything!

The boys don't talk politics: ugh wtf they aren't talking about that thing!

How about we don't egg on the high school dropouts and their frat buddy

Your last sentence is a perfect description of the show.

Either they don't know enough to comment...or if they did know enough and commented on the situation, they'd be flamed by the online community and haters. It's best that they stick to complaining about political correctness issues

It would just be a bunch of Rocky IV references from Prof. Ant.

They briefly mentioned Ukraine and the riots when the Ukranian guy called into the program. However, keep in mind that the show is largely focused on entertainment and comedy. Russia invading the Crimea, like the Government - NSA scandal, will get little airtime on the program. It might be mentioned in passing, but don't expect in-detail discussion.


No Media Destination would talk about the Ukraine. The show is about Celebrity interviews and pop culture talk with (now occasional, soon to be no) curse-words. It's not 'Meet the Press'

I havn't even heard it from someone out in the wild, so I didnt even think about it.

I have a feeling they've been told not to discuss race or politics. So instead we get the treat of hearing about awards shows, reality TV, guests that nobody gives a fuck about, and the same shitty classic rock breaks.

They talk about New York city politics all the time. I'm not even from America but I know more about that cities politics than I do about my own.

They talk about deBlasio a lot.

Also I dont know why people think they were told to do anything. When did O&A ever listen to management. Its far more likely that they realized it wasn't the best radio they could do so they tweaked what they were doing.

I find that a little hard to believe. They talked about whether or not they thought Spike Lee was being racist before the guest came in. Time will tell I suppose.

Or ill thought out race and politic rants. Got it.

How are they "ill thought out"? Don't you find it at least somewhat refreshing that they're pretty much the only outlet that honestly discusses race?

I've been listening since the late 90's. No. Their regular joe takes are lame and below their creativity levels.

What about this being a fucking comedy show do you not quite understand?

Settle down, faggot.

And how does cronut discussions and interviewing the Dog Whisperer fall under the "fucking comedy show" umbrella?

Settle down, faggot.

What about this being a fucking comedy show do you not quite understand?

you sure got him.

"They gotta figure it out ".

How are they "ill thought out"? Don't you find it at least somewhat refreshing that they're pretty much the only outlet that honestly discusses race?

Opie's all in with Ukranian nationalists and their fight for independence.

Shinkel 'bout it.