03/03/2014 "The massive monday Show"

7  2014-03-03 by mr__hat

Sam's words, not mine.


Scott Shannon just tweeted the boys! (and yes, it is his real new twitter account, verified on his fb page) https://twitter.com/ScottShannonCBS/status/440453272277893120

It's already been said by a lot of you guys, but the pre-show is a shit sandwich. I despised the old Shit Show he used to do, but this is excruciating.

I gave it a shot but then gave up after the countdown. "Ladies and gentlemen... in just about 27 minutes you will experience the best..."

Seriously? This is radio, not WWE. Quit the Mean Gene Orkerlund WWE-style POV ramp up.

I don't start listening until 7:30. Thankfully the app lets you go back to the beginning of the Ecstasy and the Gold.

I used to wake up at 6 AM to listen to O&A and play video games. I wake up at 7 AM now just to skip the shit show.

Get a goddamn job, Al


I hope Cesar tells that story about the dog that was acting up and not being part of the pack. I'm not gonna ruin it. Just listen.

@BeavisCumia: @OandAshow Mars is getting WAY too much airtime today...

Haha...."Ted's String Emporium...for those with theories!"

Funniest Ted line I've heard in a while

Im so glad Ted is back haha best Norton character

I agree. Love Ted Sheckler.

The girls are just tossin the ball around.

Any thoughts on the science discussion today? This guy's right that science isn't being properly taught in schools. Science and math are stuck in this "Memorize this, memorize that" stage, which means young minds aren't getting interested in it. I've taken many engineering and science courses and they just bore the fuck out of me because the teachers weren't intellectually stimulating at all.

Personally for me I'd like trig and calc to be more fun rather than "Memorize chain rule. Know quotient rule. Memorize these boring ass derivatives and integrals of logs that computers do after you graduate school." And other people say "School is not for fun. School is for studying." But how else are you going to get kids interested in calculus or trigonometry if you can't stimulate their interest?

I think Greene was right in that they need to display the cool practicality of it all. They need to mix in the practical applications along with the "boring part".

These "celebrity" scientist like Degrasse Tyson, Greene, Kaku, Bill Nye, Brian Cox are wonderful at showing the amazing practical applications of it all.

What they do is talk about it in practical terms and common talk that anyone can understand. He was able to explain string theory and the rift in the space - time continuum. Now, if you read some scientific magazine about those same subjects, it's pretty heavy stuff. I love how they can simplify these concepts to the common man. More people need to do this. Instead professors and teachers largely bore people to death with these huge formulas and lectures with no practical application. I understand we have to learn the theory before we learn the application of said theory. But the teaching of the theory, as Greene said, is too dependent on memorization and it is not motivating at all to many people.

Personally in my experience my problem with the Science/Math education in High School was that it was ruled with almost an intellectual elitism: A need to show how difficult it all is, in order to weed out the weak. Like they go out of their WAY to MAKE it demoralizing. I remember in my AP Calc class in High School, my teacher telling me "I'm not going to slow the class down for you. You can always drop down to level 1" because I was having a hard time understanding derivatives." That was great: I ask for help and get told since I'm too stupid to understand and to just give up. When I went to college, I learned I wasn't the only one that encountered this behavior from a teacher.

College I sort of understand, because you voluntarily take the classes and choose your major, so they have to teach the basics. But in Middle/High school, they should try to make it exciting to make kids WANT to take it further in college.

I read an article a few years ago about the success of Finnish schools because teachers had more freedom to do what they want instead of conform to state-mandated plans and preparations for standardized tests. I think the American system is corrupted by standardized testing.

If you notice the statistics, you'll see America continues to lag behind the rest of the world in math and science. There is a problem with education in this country regarding those topics, and it's because of what you said, people are trying to make it more difficult than it really is. They are literally discouraging the youth from taking these kind of topics, in order to weed out the bad students.

The problem therein is that if you just leave it up to the teachers, you'll end up with a shit ton of "popular" teachers who don't teach shit.

But there does have to be a happy medium in between. (tssss why not a large or a small or somtin tsssss)

My fix: Teachers should NOT be teaching to pass a test... i.e. teaching kids "Here's how the questions will be written and here's how to solve these questions..." and instead the tests should be written so that someone who HAS LEARNED the subject shouldn't NEED to study for the test.

I'm sitting here listening to a climate change denier interview someone about string theory.

Snowed today, so much for global warming, huh?

But what do I know, as long as I get to the job site on time with my container of coffee, the eggheads don't bother me.

"Opie & Anthony ‏@OandAshow 1m Today on the #opieanthony show we will have physicist @bgreene & dog whisperer @cesarmillan in studio! XM 103 Sirius 206"

Media destination.

Sal: "Williamsburg 10 years ago was pretty rough." Negative. Williamsburg was fully safe 10 years ago. It cleaned up long before that.

AS SOON as they got needy bob levy off the phone (with Opie sounding a bit done with Bob's calls) they couldn't move fast enough to mention a real comic, Nick Dipalo, to bring INSTANT laughter to the situation. I can only hope needy bob heard it right before the audio of a hung up phone.

Brian Greene is great but with the O&A show, it could go either way...

I liked him when he was on 90210.

Epic "We heard you". Fuck with the callers some more.

"Your phone's bad dude. Can't hear you. Say it again...say it again...WE HEARD YOU."

Fuck off with the Oscar shit unless its that nervous guy

Just imagine Oscar at the Oscars!


Pretty lackluster show today.

They all can't be gems

too much oscar talk yet the good idea they had about it, getting the tweets from the friends of the show, didnt end up happening


Did he really think that was a good radio bit? I like that jimmy squashed that


What they do is talk about it in practical terms and common talk that anyone can understand. He was able to explain string theory and the rift in the space - time continuum. Now, if you read some scientific magazine about those same subjects, it's pretty heavy stuff. I love how they can simplify these concepts to the common man. More people need to do this. Instead professors and teachers largely bore people to death with these huge formulas and lectures with no practical application. I understand we have to learn the theory before we learn the application of said theory. But the teaching of the theory, as Greene said, is too dependent on memorization and it is not motivating at all to many people.

I liked him when he was on 90210.
