Ted, Chip and Uncle Paul Compilations

2  2014-03-02 by EskimoEscrow


I plan on making two more compilations this weekend

cheers michael appreciate it!

You are doing great things.

Frank the frowner comp please!!!!

These are gold man, really loved the Ted Scheckler one and the Chip one was surprisingly really funny. I thought that much chip would be overkill but you only included really good stuff.

Please do Edgar Mellancamp next

Someone already posted a reaction video for this.

This is the best compilation I have seen. Uncle Paul talking to that matchmaker may be the funniest thing I have ever heard on O&A. Not only is there the obvious funny stuff as she figures out his deal, but Jimmy says the most hilarious lines I've ever heard from him, as a character, all in that one phone call. I wish I could hear/see the studio during that call.