A few minutes of vintage Vos standup

11  2014-03-02 by [deleted]


Call the dog in and say "What's this?"
...and the dog said "your act"

Jesus christ, that wet permed mullet.

Its not bad

You can say "did ya?" to every lead-in to his jokes.

Not even a chuckle.

This video makes it so much better knowing that hack Vos re-using his old bits time and time a-gain.

Watch this and see why, I literally thought this linked video on reddit was the same act as the one the boys were riffing on, but it's not lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC6jMNN8avc (watch at 21:18)

The Equus joke is pretty damn funny and would definitely get laughs with the right crowd. But definitely not the crowds Vos pulls.

because in the play the kid likes to get naked and ride the horse, and a st bernard is a big dog. sorta like a horse. nah. still not funny.