A new target for Monday

33  2014-03-02 by Skizz1979


Haha, fucking Jimmy said this:

Since you're a genuine psychic, can't you tell who will be an asshole on Twitter and just block them in advance?

Wait! I'm getting my own psychic answer coming in.. It says... "no..."

Holy shit, this scam artist bastard is still around???

Wait... did I miss something? How is this asshole related to the Todd show?!

Surprising. The Biggest Douche in the Universe is supporting The Biggest Douche in Radio. Go figure.

his threats sow the seed. the seed of the tree. the tree that will grow on his house.


2014-03-01 13:15:20 UTC

2the folks thatR wastingTHEIR time attacking my support4 @toddsarmy,@thetoddshow sending racist,vulgar tweets-trying 2WOWme W humor=BLOCK✔️

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

he tweets like a young edgar

no april folls here.

shhhed ēp



Yeah, fuck him, cheating on his cancer stricken wife is crossing a line.

Wrong John Edward. This one prefers the seed of darker gentlemen.

Yeah, see, thing is, I was making a joke.


holy shit dude.... its called humor

do they ever realize what they are getting into, i love how older people think they can use "wit" and life experience to one up you on the internet not knowing how vicious this generation is, this is the first generation to be able to have seen beheadings, murder, horrible piss/shit porn, all before they graduate highschool.

its a sad thing because one day we will be in edwards position thinking we still know the internet, we will be saying "i was around before the internet, i remember dial up!" and the new generation of even more fucked up kids will be putting us to shame.

i apologize for the gaping asshole pics in advance john edwards

Let's not pretend to be the toughest generation just because we link pictures on the internet.

My grandfather likely participated in beheadings, hon.

This douche needs to get hit hard. http://i.imgur.com/taUCwth.jpg

I wouldn't put it past him to use his lawyers if people post that in huge numbers, so do it anonymously.


What did that even say

Urgh. I find this more infuriating than The Todd Show. How the fuck can this piece of shit scumbag try to take the moral high-ground. He manipulates people who are grieving for a living the fucking fraud. I cannot wait for Monday.

omg, for the horrific people we are this is a chance for us to do good. Cmon pests lets use our powers for good and relentlessly take down the unanimous champion of BIGGEST DOUCHE IN THE UNIVERSE

I'm all in with this one.

how much do you want to see the amazing Randy take down this guy


http://youtu.be/qpeN3DVwk4Q?t=24m54s 24:54

John Edward has been exposed many times over by Randi, South Park, Penn & Teller, etc. Anyone who still falls for this type of fraud after having cold reading explained to them is probably a lost cause.

Does he have a fat lover/mother/child? We can call them medium and extra large.



A fat psychic?

i think we have a winner

What a douche.

Here are a few simple pics.


This is for fucking real. I love that this douche actually only has 50k+ followers.

shhhed ēp

