2/27/14 Best Of?

18  2014-02-27 by RareWhiteTRASH

I turn on the iOS app this morning and instead of Sam's screeching voice, I hear the Paul Williams interview.

Is today a Best Of, or is Sam a lazy qweeb?


Larry's wife drove to New York and killed those 3 faggot lovers.

What a slut he was.


There's a repost on my radio


Let the speculation BEGIN!


It's a QUANspiracy.

Maybe troyquan can come in and fill in some time today


He's not even allowed on Reddit. Fuck, management HATES -name redacted-.

He is a persona nonQUANa

Your joke should be a reminder that quality is always better than QUANtity.

Tss.. QUANtity? Why not QUANdicky? Cuz he's a fag or sumpthin

Whatever, Chip. You just want to suck Troy's cock.

Good God, don't we all?

Down for whatever

How about a nice hike in a PA state park?

Holy shit sir.


Opie had a scheduled day-off but there was supposed to be a live show anyway. Something happened. Ant late again?



More like 15 MILES, am I right? Tss, tss, you ga'head.


Lol love the "ga'head"

Tell us more faggot!

Work horses of sirius XM.

Not speculating, but it just occurred to me....when's the last time Ant went 2 days without tweeting?

agree big time.

Lame, thought they said they don't have a day off until Memorial Day. Whatever I got Ron and Fez to catch up on

There's no reason to live! Where's my kayak?

Possible blowback from #thetoddshow?

LOL. Wtf? Why vote this down?

Will never understand this about Reddit. Vote down a comment that's a lie, and/or is just shitty to someone without reason, ok. But this whole thread is about speculation, on a show that supports free speech no matter how offensive...

Guess some O&A fans aren't as immune to being offended as they might want to think.



Time to check out what Swoozle McFlufferfaggot on #TheToddShow is doing today.

Hey! This here is Glubbledun Skidderflob and I brought my car into your shop. And then you raped my wife, jerkey!

That didn't happen.

Bawwwwwwwww hubbidibby hubbidibby hubdinow

Shibbba dibabiduba noooowww

Chubbadubba Rubbadubba

Yea' this is Judas McBackstabby, I just turned on your radio show and it gave my wife cancer!

Looks like we're going to have to do our own show today guys!

Whuh happened??

Most likely answer: A terrible felching accident caused by false teeth and overpowered firearms.

I'm sure #TheToddShow is happy about this.

Hoo Hoo, I invented taking Thursdays off


According to twitter it's best of today for the show

EEEHHHHHH What, did they take a day off or something (Twitter voice guy)

Well this is highly unusual. Generally there are at least some warning signs beforehand. I wonder what happened.



I did the same this morning during my workout and I'm super bummed now because I thought I would listen live for once. I was hoping the app was just extremely behind.

The apps about 6 to 8 minutes behind the live feed just for future notice.

Also if you have been keeping up with Ron And Fez they have some pretty fucking funny shows this week. Fez is all emotional about his dads deaths anniversary and Ron gives 0 fucks.

What I'm going to be listening to in a few here .. as I start my gay leg day

Oh nice. Thanks.

I haven't been listening to R&F but I keep meaning to. 5 hours of O&A eats up enough of my day and usually I can't fit both in.

Good luck with gay leg day

Ron gives 0 fucks.

pay no mind list?

Rons eulogy was one of the funniest pieces of radio I've heard in a while.

link plz

Didn't they have a best of show this week too?

Just as well. If I wanted to spend my morning listening to the Todd Show, I would.

No live O&A. Fuck it fire up the podcasts, Rogan or Austin.....HERE WE GO!



Wonder if the Todd show got so much vileness on Twitter for two days in a row, that it caused a little blowback.

chances of there being a show tomorrow?

Sure, there will certainly be a #TheToddShow tomorrow. Todd is a workhorse.

Artie Lange was in the Sirius building on r&f. This is clearly a Howard power play.

Sam should have taken the initiative and offered to do a few hours today. Droppin the ball

I'd rather hear the worst of.

This man has a point. "And you'll hear the replay of the o&a worst of in just 227 minutes"

He's so lazy!

Droppin the ball

I hope this means he will sound like a man tomorrow.

Wow the iphone app must have been on the fritz! My andriod app had the live show and it was fucking hilarious!

They should have an all Patrice show not this Stalker Patty BS.

Patrice is with Stalker Patty, whats your point?

Another fight between Gregg and Anthony?

Ugh. You speculating cunt. Do you not see a link a few comments above yours?

Speculating cunts are the best ones.

Tss what about LENSuEARLING or sumptin?

The only cunts if you ask me

It's really amazing how much disdain they have for the fans that they just can't shoot a quick update to twitter.


Jesus christ, some of you guys feel entitled.

Just like some of us seem to white knight old men.

I don't think your grasp the concept of white knight correctly.


"Me me me me me."

I love how that applies to everyone except them.

If you don't like it you can go to /r/howardstern

