Does listening to OandA make us turn into emotionless psychos?

2  2014-02-27 by [deleted]

I've been a fan of Opie and Anthony for 5+ years and needless to say I'm heavily influenced by the boys. Pretty much my entire sense of humor has been molded by Norton, Ant, Patrice, Colin, etc. Anyways my ex-GF used to tell me I was always so cruel because I'd make jokes about abortion and suicide and random stuff like that. Even my parents and my sister keep telling me that I make incredibly cruel jokes all the time about "sensitive" topics like rape and stuff. Does anyone else go through this? Like do you guys deal with overly sensitive people and they make you feel like you're some evil psychopath? Or are we actually evil psychopaths?

  • EDIT : I think there's also an age gap that makes me feel excluded. I feel like my generation might be hyper sensitive

Yep, made a cliterectomy joke the other day. Horrified some people but didn't care. Have played the jeff goldblum death wish clip for female friends when they turn into holes. Refuse to laugh at people's corny day-to-day jokes. Have laughed like Sam Roberts at inappropriate times, have snickered like roland in the office because I was listening to a bobo/jocktober bit. Use UGH more than I should.
Yeah...then what happened?

yeeeeeessssss to the corny day-to-day jokes

i just find myself sounding like Jimmy, just pure utter 'ugh', really you found that funny, you found what that ass hole said about cats funny, eww.

it's worse when he gets a good laugh the first 10minutes of class, that shapes the whole course of the 1hour 40minutes, it's going to be a class full of shitty jokes

I'm also like this at standup shows, i forgot who went at Patrice when he said that Patrice probably did the whole ' oh look a whole lot of white people tonight!' 'cant be doing this with all these white folk around 'wheres my brothers at' that whole black thing during the beginning of his career; anyways i went to see a comedian recently and i wont say who but hes on snl and black; and it was an hour of that shit.

It's like once someone tells you about a shape or a picture of something in one of those optical illusions and you can't unsee it; well same thing here, i just sometimes know the punchline or premise if its a hacky or general bit

Yeah I said why do we argue about people saying the N word for months when meanwhile Woody Allen molested his daughter and we forgot about it in less than a day. It was more of an observation than a joke but my GF and her circle of friends just looked at me shaking their heads saying you don't joke about molestation. And I look like an asshole lol

I typically use O&A to crush any delusions I may have about life being worthwhile.

I'm a massive faggot when I hang around regular people, but when I'm around my closest friends we constantly shit on each other and say horribly offensive things. The show has influenced me greatly in this regard. It also makes me incredibly cynical.

I try to balance this out with at least some positivity every day.

Yes, to everything. Desensitization at it's best. We're all we have left. Ugh, fucking co-worker jokes.

I do hate regular radio much more, and 90% of the people I work with thanks to Opie and Anthony and Jim.

Yeah I realized this when I was trying to explain to people how Opie and Anthony is hilarious. But then they check it out and see Opie smashing Sandy Kanes guitar or the boys doing Jocktober and think it's mean/bullying. And meanwhile I crave that shit and no one else seems to think it's normal for me to be this "evil"


The o&a show gave me ear aids and i try and spread it as much as i can.

I'm either indifferent or I laugh at things that bothers other people. I remember a time long ago when I would be unnerved by the word "fuck"...

I secretly wish that I would be bothered by the things I used to be bothered by, since this path into desensitization via OnA may not be a good thing in the long run.

I dont think it made us that way. We were already that way or we would not have enjoyed the show. I think it just made us care less because we found out there were other horrible people like us.

this is definitely the most reasonable answer

Somebody mentioned the weather to me the other day and I responded with a opie "Yuck!"

I wouldn't say the show has ruined me though. I'm just less tolerant of inane small talk.

You are normal, but your family is a bunch of cunts. People who don't laugh at abortion and suicide don't value their own lives.

There's a very real phenomenon where someone with a new car tends to drive like an ass, but after that same person gets even one ding, they drive more carefully.

Your mom & girlfriend and whoever else has a new car, yours is dinged. Take that for what it's worth.

If this were true. 99% of the needy faggots that keep posting the same opie-directed shit comments would not exist on this subreddit. But they do.

Well... At the same time, the guys on the show knows it's going to get a laugh, from each other and the audience, and that's a big part of the appeal to them. When you're making those jokes in front of your family, you know you aren't going to get a laugh, and either that's what appeals to you, or you're completely clueless and unable to have a thought without vocalizing it, and can do little but function as a walking echo chamber. Since I don't believe the latter to be true, I think you were always a dick to begin with.

Well like for example when someone complains to me about some "Sad story" I don't make jokes half the time sometimes I just really don't care and people think I'm cold and emotionless because I don't care about other people's problems or pretend to care

Oh. And what do you think the definition of cold and emotionless should be, if not that?

You, Sir, are a psychopath that happens to listen to O&A.

Not someone that listens to O&A that happened to turn into a psychopath.

Not really. They fit my idea of what comedy is, and I like their material, but I never make inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times. If I'm with my friends I know I can talk about anything, but if I'm just talking to someone for the first time I might try to joke around but not delve deep into dirty jokes. There's a time and a place for everything.


I'm pretty sure I was already an emotionless psycho.

Or are we actually evil psychopaths?

No, you're just a grande faggot with delusions of grandeur because you listen to a radio show.


Well I'm asking because my GF would get mad that I won't care about her problems and stuff

Holy shit shut the fuck up I'm not Dr. Phil, I'm not hear to help your autism because you lack basic human integrity. For fuck sake dude, if she's still your girlfriend then who gives a shit?

I bet you're afraid to eat her out on her period, aren't you boy?


2/10. You got greedy with my first reply, suddenly you have an alcoholic father and a mom that was never around. come back with a new gimmick tomorrow.

I'll be getting reamed by my girlfriend in the meantime.


Oh. And what do you think the definition of cold and emotionless should be, if not that?