
91  2014-02-26 by [deleted]


As a father, thus then, this made me howl, you DOPES. I'm all in. I'm not reading it off a teleprop. You used to have the right to be offended in this country, does anyone remember when you had the right to be offended?

Hold on hold on hold on, did I ever tell you I was a caddy?

I worked for.....some people....

Let's just say they did some things


That's funny man, very good. Let me say hi tooooooo...

Did you get a taste? I need a little taste.

You forgot "in the end."

You made this perfecley clear. Ill be the first one to admit THAT, period. Period.


he don't play!

Do you know I could've been a model.


This comment needs to be frames and place on Opies wall at home. You had me at, "I'm all in."

How come know one says anything when he says that stupid shit?

New sidebar pic!







Photoshop Ron Howard in there.

I wonder if he'll sign those

Ill buy it for 40 bucks if he signs it

They say every midnight he stalks teenagers and just when they're about to have sex he screams PAUSE

There are some who call him "The Destroyer."

I gotta go back and listen to x________x again. I used to be all in but I stopped listening. Sal, take us out with x_x

I'd wear it on a shirt.

looks like a little biiitttccch


Looks like Steve Erwin getting jabbed in the nutsack by a stingray.

"This made me HOWL!"

I would like to Nominate this for the side bar pic.

I don't need Piggy Boy on my screen everyday.

My most tolerable crutch.