Why does Opie ruin every real laugh he gets?

1  2014-02-25 by DeryDerpette

On yesterday's show, when they were discussing the NFL n-word penalty controversy, Opie had a funny and well-timed line that got a real laugh from everyone in the studio ('15 yards, for saying n*gger!'). It would have been a great moment for him but, afterwards, he immediately had to say 'SEE, I'LL SAY IT IF I KNOW IT'S GOING TO GET A LAUGH!'. Douche chill city! He even posted a YouTube video with the audio afterwards.

He does this with every real laugh he gets and then usually repeats it 80 times like the Hulk Hogan 911 'where are you going I did this for you' thing.

Stop being terrible, Opie!


Because he is insecure and unfunny

Its terrible. It must be hard for ant and jim

He has to bring it back to cringe every time.

Take away Anthony and he's making 40 grand a year working with his fellow unfunny hack Brother Wease

Holy shit, I was just gonna make this almost verbatum. It's not enough for him to get a good line, he always needs to either repeat it or justify it or explain it. He can't just let it breath. If you listen a lot, it's because of his constant stream of insecurity. He needs a therapist badly.

I love that the people downvoting this areeither denying it or white knighting a 50 year old man.

I suggest Dr. Winchester. See.. cause im saying he should use a shotgun on himself.

You, sir, are delightful.

Some should just tell him ... "get ooOOoover it!"

Hey, I was gonna downvote you til you said that! Now I can't because I don't want people to think I'm a one-of-those!

Does he?

Complaining about downvotes only leads to more downvotes.

he points out that he knows everything.. today he knew "..the name of the Valkarie song he just wanted to include the listeners.."

his arrogance is a turn off.. fortunately i don't want to fuck him and Jimmy and Ant make up for it...

Holy shit you're retarded. How do you listen to the show and still not understand what he's doing.

Holy shit. He was being sarcastic. Are you that retarded? It's part of his "fake Asia love" bit. Why do you listen?

I suppose an unfunny bit is still a bit. But why should we subjected to such lame bits repeatedly?

Don't listen. There, now you're not "subjected" to them.

Opie knows he is not funny and lucked out with Anthony. So he milks every sincere laugh he gets. Hard to blame the guy.

Be careful, there are those who dick ride the blond haired cornball, and call you out for having a legitimate gripe with an otherwise great and entertaining show.

I think it's because he's so aware of the critics that it stifles his confidence. Like when he gets an actual laugh he thinks in his head that he'll be made fun of for it by everyone, so he says something after his joke to play it off like he's being ironically unfunny. Just listen to their old audio where he would shoot off jokes and doesn't say anything or do that stupid laugh or anything right after. This could just be the story I made up in my head, but it makes sense to me.

Tl;dr: He's hyper aware of the "haters" and plays off his intentionally funny jokes like they're intentionally unfunny just in case they bomb.

Or he does it because it gets under their skin enough to make a pissy Reddit post about it.

Yeah I'm sure that's it. It's Batman level forethought designed to tear apart the internet community. Or, you know, just major insecurity and personality flaws.

Oh yeah, I'm sure that's it too.

When he said "I'll say it...." he was referring to the word nigger. That's all he meant. You guys are obsessed losers with a passion for hate so great that it trumps the reality of what happened. Pathetic.



So if you keep responding to "obsessed losers", what does that make you?

I love the word nigger and wish to hear it more. But that nigger Abraham Lincoln Carver had to free the fucking slaves and invent peanuts.



i would love to see all of you guys and how funny you are at your job.

i'm a fucking hoot!

I get great laughs when I bring back a positive diagnosis.

My job description isn't 'be funny.'