Do any of you miscreants play video games?

2  2014-02-24 by Mitchull

I just got a PS4. I have Battlefield 4 on it. I suck at it since I've been playing PC for so long.

For PC, I play BF4, DayZ (sometimes), Rust (sometimes), Civilization V, maybe some others I can't think of.

While I realize this isn't the ideal sub, I do feel a certain kinship with you assholes. If you want to play some, holla atcha boy.


MavMIIKE on PS4 and Steam.

I play fifa and bf4 on PS4 and cs on steam. I'm not good at any.

I'm chip chipperson in a few PC games....

I don't do the accent and the jokes but some people recognize the game and we riff together


PC - BF4 and far cry 3, playing hitman absolution right now. The only thing I've ever despised Anthony for was his constant COD promotion.

The only thing I've ever despised Anthony for was his constant COD promotion.

Agreed. Hell, he's talked about how Half Life was a refuge for him while his marriage was failing, you'd think at the very least he'd stay a PC gamer, let alone recognize and stick to quality products. Half Life should have been just the start. To be somewhat fair, though, I think his CoD fixation was more due to Danny than anything else.

As for me, I'm playing a lot of CS:GO right now and some L4D2.


Maqqot on PC. Mitchull on steam.

I'm on Xbox (One and 360) and Steam as RareWhiteTRASH. I play while listening to the show.

That's my favourite past time.

i dont remember how i ever just played video games without listening to radio, now i feel like sometimes i force myself to play a game because i wanna listen to radio.

Mitchull on steam.

How does Rust and DayZ compare? I've been thinking about trying out one of them. I've just started with Space Engineers and have played Civ5 for years as well as Minecraft.

I think DayZ would be much better with a friend or two, which is why I haven't put a lot into it.

Probably the same for Rust, but it's still such an alpha, I haven't figured it out yet.



I do a lot of video game streaming. Part of my interest in radio came from my own hobby as a live broadcaster. Don't really play much multiplayer shit lately, but video games are definitely a big part of my life. Always have been. Sounds nerdy, but it's a result of my generation.

Link your stream channel. I watch a lot of streams in my down time, or as background noise at work. I'll definitely check it out. I'm not the only/primary streamer on the site, but our community is a bit ehhhh. Lot of people who are of the manchild variety in my opinion. Still, we have a few streams a day, which is alright for a small site of under 100 folks total or so.

Steam: "dogpoo32" - DayZ, Civ 5

PS4: "Rushbot5000" - BF4, FIFA 14

edit: format

Minecraft. Pong.


I play CSGO occasionally but that's about it. No time to really get into else and no desire to start another franchise. Been playing CS since I was about 10 years old.


Mitchull on steam.

I'm waiting for Wasteland 2, but that probably wouldn't interest most people.

What's your BF4 gamertag for PS4?


I have a PS3, wii u, and 3ds. I'm "imoverherenow", getting a xbox one or ps4 soon tho. Leaning towards xbox one. Also I'm chiliPismysignature on steam but I haven't been on in awhile.

Xbox360. Trinalnine1475. Playing Bf4 alot right now.

Constantly. Anything but FPS's. Playing a lot of Smite at the moment - Spekk10


I've had my eye on Dishonored, how's Theif?



Oh shit. Thief is out now?

I've only been playing fighting games and League of Legends lately.

Left 4 Dead 2, Civilization V, Chivalry, and a host of older games.

oh hell yea AC4, BF4, and occasionally killzone PSN-killzone11dt

Street fighter 4, Dark souls, occasional game of dota 2 with friends.

Battlefield 4 for PC. As I said before, I saw username Chip Chipperson in a server once. Had a good laugh.

Also play sports games but most of those are offline dynasties

Maqqot is my name on pc bf4.


Kicks ass in the multiplayer over COD. Harder but in a good way. You have to account for bullet drop and they're no spinning quick scoping kids playing. Better sound better atmosphere, better all around. There's nothing like having a shoot out on the roof tops of Flood Zone with all the debris flying around.


Its fine. Alot of the bugs have been worked out but, not unlike bf3, there are still some glitches once in a while. I like the infantry combat more but I think the vehicles were better situated in bf3. AA makes it almost impossible to keep a bird in the air and Jets are bulky and have much less room to fly

LMAO some COD fag is down voting everything Battlefield on the whole page!

Thats like a new low for this sub..

Building a new PC this week. Only been playing Risk of Rain lately, waiting for the new Dark Souls.

If you play TF2 i'm in

PS3. Assassins Creed, GTA, Civ5, Super Nintendo, and I just made the mistake of buying NCAA Football 2014. EA is a horrible company. I played all the way through my highschool career with my created character and when I went into college all my stats were fucked. Apparently this has been an issue for a couple of years with the game. Also I can't set audibles because the ones I choose don't show up in the real game. It's fucking dumb as fuck for them to mess up so badly. Don't make the mistake I have made and waste money on that fucking game.

I have a ps4 as well with Battlefield and other games. Psn name is the same as my reddit username add me if you wish

StewartBumley on PS4.

I'm having one of those took a month long break and am now doing way better moments in BF4.

StewartBumley on PS4.

Maqqot on PC.

Still playing my PS3, last game I finished was AC4. Might pick up a PS4 next month with Infamous: Second Son coming out.

Enthros on Steam.

I'm down for whatever.

You got Killing Floor?


I sent you a friend req on steam. I need a new KF buddy.

A lot of CS:GO lately, occasionally Hearthstone/WoW for multiplayer, may get back into SF4 soon. I think I'm Tuvor or Tuvor77 on steam.

I used to play CSGO but mostly play BF4 now. CSGO is a good game.

PS4= teddy_sheckler

visereth on ps4

edit: just fifa for now since i bought it saturday.

Xbox One. Username is TedDansonsWig. Play mostly BF4 and Forza 5. Not many games out at the moment. Titanfall is going to be sick. Did nothing all last weekend but play the beta.

Who the hell downvoted everyone. Sometimes I swear there's a bot downvoting this sub

Nah, O&A fans are just cunts. Don't let the loss of imaginary points hurt your ego too much.

That or a dedicated troll or two. Its definitely specific to this sub

Or could be that this has nothing to do with the show.

Its fine. Alot of the bugs have been worked out but, not unlike bf3, there are still some glitches once in a while. I like the infantry combat more but I think the vehicles were better situated in bf3. AA makes it almost impossible to keep a bird in the air and Jets are bulky and have much less room to fly

Kicks ass in the multiplayer over COD. Harder but in a good way. You have to account for bullet drop and they're no spinning quick scoping kids playing. Better sound better atmosphere, better all around. There's nothing like having a shoot out on the roof tops of Flood Zone with all the debris flying around.