Opie's new video "What are they laughing at?"

12  2014-02-22 by EskimoEscrow


I'm shocked Lynsi hasn't left him yet

She probably has another 4 years to wait until she outlasts the prenupt.

That's why Keith Robinson doesn't come on the show. He's busy banging Lynsi during the show

As jimmy would say: With those big black buck thighs banging against her innocent white ass.

this is one of those times i wouldnt mind getting the opie basketball shot

why does opie do this, he's so hateable

isn't this jimmys bit.. laughing over the top at something clearly not funny. side note, thanks for explaining your joke at the end of the clip dip shit. i didn't see the title of the video.

yeah cause nobodys ever fake laughed at something before jimmy did, but this is one thing opie does i dont care for, we all know the news is shit.

"all in"

It wasn't really a joke as much as just misguided bitterness.

Are you talking about the video or /u/opiesucks?

Op's twitter followers must be eating this up.

It's weird how "passionate" opie is about the local fucking news. Who gives a shit? No one is like "fucking hell yeah man, they've gotta fix that shit". It's the fine the way it is, you fucking doof.

Love you, love the show.

It's because Opie would rather be doing the news.


3,572 views. Another homerun, Opie!

Listen to that echo. Opster must have some apartment.

He's putting up a different type of numbers these days.

tsss tss ... hopefully the rate of T cell loss or something .. tsss tss

That was more of a Jimmy joke than a Chip joke.

tsss tss ... YEAH! Because he must not of been wearin one or sumthin!

tss tss, T cell? what is he in a jamaican prison or sumptin tsss.

That was more of a bob levy joke


There's a link somewhere of a news report when he bought it. I think he payed something like 4.1 million for the apartment. The opester definitely has major F you money

Some of the ol' stalking shows the deed was about $3.3 million.

I'd post it, but I don't want to put his address up. If you're smart you can find it very easily.

Multi-millionaire can't afford a capture card.

Most millionaires don't know what a capture card is. That's why they're millionaires.

Put me down for not being a millionaire, and not knowing what a capture card is.

Well they certainly aren't laughing at that unfunny fucking hole that is Opie.

Hey, TV's don't work that way!

If ain't the humor that the psycho approves of, you better believe he's got the flip cam on deck and his trigger finger on that send tweet button.


reminds me of an interview with Kirk Fox

that is a great fucking burn. and accurate. i've added nothing.

I refuse to (knowingly) watch Opie videos. Fuck his numbers.

I fucking love Opie, fuck all yall niggas.


This is the new basketball video..

Thats how he laughs at most jokes on air (the GMA hosts, not the mocking though he does that too). And what is he doing with the CC still on on his television?

Has the new joker been cast yet? That laugh....

Jim and Ant fake laugh the same way when Opie says "that's a big bitch!" or "man sandwich!" for the 10,000th unfunny time.

I laughed by myself out loud. I'll accept my down votes now

I laughed out loud.

Put me down for not being a millionaire, and not knowing what a capture card is.