red light camera retard

0  2014-02-21 by thelastassblaster

Did opie actually say that traffic lights with red light cameras should have postings on them to alert drivers? "otherwise by the time they get the ticket in the mail they'll have already taken the light!" What a stupid fuck. The point is to fear all traffic lights in your city might have cameras. And if you take a red and get a ticket in the mail, it just might deter you from doing it again in the future. Maybe there shouldn't be red light cameras in the off chance some reckless fuck plows into opies car and eliminates his filthy ginger seed from further producing.


He said that the city was talking about the only reason red light cameras are there is to get people to obey the lights. but if theres no indication that they are located there... people wouldnt give a shit and would already have blown through.

it made total sense, I think you just want to bash opie, because little jimmy and ant both agreed.

It's really did make perfect sense. If they wanted it for safety, it would tell you so you can slow down. If they don't tell you it's just for money. By the time you get the ticket you already committed the act.

But...but...but it's more fun to bash Opie!


we get it he's a moron, dumb fuck, idiot, on the spectrum.. gotcha, get it, got it, ok.

Red light cameras cause more accidents.

i still dont understand how people get most enraged by opie and not jim or ant, opie is annoying sometimes but its like a harmless uncle that tries to be young and cool, ant and jim can be really ignorant/insecure fucking weirdos but opie the regular guy who isnt as funny is portrayed as the worst guy ever.

and i dont defend opie like you guys do with jim or ant, i too get annoyed with opie like when he has to bring up how fascinated and "all in" he is with watching the local news, like its some new thing that local news is a bunch of fake laughing robots.

or how he always talks about people "figuring things out"


Who gives a fuck?

no, it doesn't make sense. "but if theres no indication that they are located there... people wouldnt give a shit and would already have blown through." Yea, once. but then they would give a shit once they get a ticket in the mail and wouldn't do it again. Thus they're a preventative measure to would-be repeat offenders, not whatever asshole blew through it the first time

or they could put up a sign, have people not blow through at all.

according to your ridiculous complaint, they must break the law atleast once.. wait for the ticket(going through only god knows how many lights until they get that ticket), then not do it again.

also you failed to reply to me correctly.

if they put up a sign then whatever traffic light that didn't have a sign they might think- " cool, no camera, fine to blow through" and plow into some family's minivan. I ride a motorcycle (for gas and parking reasons at uni, not cuz I'm a rebel) and if some dipshit took a red and crashed into me that might be the end of me. Hence, I'm concerned with ppl taking reds and i think a simple camera and fear of monetary damage might dissuade some from doing it (or at least repeating it). If ant and jimmy agree, which they implied but not with the same vigor, I'd "bash'em" on it too.

On Long Island they do warn you. Before you get to the light there is a large traffic sign that says "Photo Enforced". I think that by law they have to inform you that you are being taped.

They have this in miami too, i think it's a good idea to warn ppl. maybe even have the signs where they DON'T have cameras just to bluff drivers into respecting the rules of the road. Still, not necessarily necessary

great, that's one simple view about it. but it definitely doesn't warrant such a pointless hate thread.

When I heard it I couldn't believe they only had one dumb chick caller with a contrary view, thought I might find like minded listeners on here. maybe not. The vitriol is just a little venting since I've had close calls with red light-takers that could've been really fucking severe. Glad you replied all the same, lyle
