How the fuck hasn't O,A,Jim, or anyone on staff brought THE WOLF OF WALL STREET up on the show yet??

0  2014-02-21 by scoobe

Could be the best guy movie of all time. It's certainly right there with goodfellas and casino. No one on the show has even seen it yet??


I thought it was great .... would you like to talk about it, mister?

Yeah, thank you! It was fucking great!!! Tons of tits, drugs, and fucking cursing. Like literally 3 hours of it. So much drugs it was like a next generation Fear and Loathing.

I like the way it pays homage to Scorcese's previous films. And in other ways the humor was so funny, it didn't feel like Scorsese at all.. It was so over the top and in your face, like I was 13 and watching Howard Stern's 'Private Parts' for the first time. Seemed like it was a big fuck you to mainstream Hollywood these days.


Lol, Goodfellas is the best movie ever. Wolf of Wall Street came nowhere close.

Guy movie. Right there with goodfellas. Not as good as Goodfellas, .. it can't be because Goodfellas is perfect. But it's a return to that style.


I think I remember Anthony talking about it a little

Yes, I believe Ant enjoyed it very much and Sam also watched it; I don't think Jim has seen it and I know for sure Opie hasn't

I know the other day the opster was complaining that he didn't get a screener for that movie so he prob hasn't seen it. Dunno bout the other guys.

They have discussed it. Sam said it was hilarious.

You're a fucking idiot.

They discussed it a few times actually

It was very good but Goodfellas is royalty and Casino is just sub-royalty. Get your shit together, dude.

It's hardly anywhere near the best film of all time. It's not even Scorcese's best film. Calm down.

Didn't say it was his best. It's prob 2nd or 3rd best. Prob 3rd. It could be the best guy movie ever...and in that way it's on par.

It's a good film. It's fun. It's also at least 30 minutes too long and has a protagonist who isn't likeable. It's not even in his top 5.

godfellas and casino? fuck your whore mother cocksucka. you are comparing one-off cinematic masterpieces to hipster shit.

Best "guy" movie? channeling my inner Jim Norton UGHHYUUUCCKKK

channel your own inner self

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

Because people don't count DiCaprio as being real Scorsese.

And nobody much counts any Scorsese after Casino as being real Scorsese either. (Exactly how many times is he planning to do this story anyways?). If CQ doesn't tweet it, it doesn't count, that's pretty much the rule of thumb.

DiCaprio: After rigorous independent research, my theory is that child actor Leo was passed around as the twinkish fucktoy of an Eyes Wide Shut style Malibu cabal of powerful gay jewish paedophile Hollywood movie producers ... cos otherwise I'm fucked for an explanation as to how this cardboard cutout cunt gets any work at all, never mind the work he is actually offered.

This pet theory also easily explains the otherwise inexplicable Elijah Wood and Tobey Maguire, the covering fire for Allen and Polanski, and by his refusal to no longer play-along, the rapid ejection of Macauley Culkin from big screen to homeless junkie.

Now what you in fact want to be concerning yourself with is why these three lazy incurious radio fuckers have thus far singularly failed to make serious mention of HBO's True Detective .... of course as usual, Ronnie B and the Centaur Hicks are on the case. (Tell Jimmy it's got a guy from The Wire in it, maybe that'll work).