Did you ever see a radio show come apart like that?

32  2014-02-21 by fervt


The show stinks so bad they should call it Good Morning Vietbomb or somethin'. Tss tss.

The E-rock/shawnF thing was funny as fuck!!

(To Sean F.) Now what we got here is a Crusader!


Parody songs? What yall know 'bout parody songs?


Are you talking about today's show? 2 points:

  1. It was a great show.
  2. If you think that was the show coming apart, then you haven't been listening for very long.

It's not a reference to today's show, just something I slapped together after listening to the Patrice platoon clip.

Although the message is timeless.

Gotcha, carry on then!

Great work. I really hope this ends up as that banner of a certain website I frequent everyday around 8:30. Cause reasons.

Not racist enough for Niggermania, dude.

That's how the producer laughs.

The Opie and Jimmy are really good

erock is either leaving the show or about to leave the show. sam setting all this up is the best haha.

Do you also think what happens in Wrestling is real? You boob.

I can honestly say no. I have never seen one come apart like this one.

If I find out an ex-staff member is posting anonymously on /r/opieandanthony, there will be a Court Martial.

Tsssss what's the court martial gonna do, call the court sheriff? Tssssss

Double jeopardy, cocksucka!

you're fawkin' good, sergeantfartbox.

It's not a reference to today's show, just something I slapped together after listening to the Patrice platoon clip.

Although the message is timeless.

(To Sean F.) Now what we got here is a Crusader!

Parody songs? What yall know 'bout parody songs?