Censorship, Language and Culture Policing. If there's one topic I never want to hear about again, it's this.

12  2014-02-20 by [deleted]

The reason I'm mentioning this is because I know the show occasionally checks out this subreddit - I'm bitching for a purpose.

This break has probably been done 500 times at this point. I get it guys. And I also agree with you completely and I'm completely bored at this point. Yes, the media are hypocrites, yes special interest groups are manipulating everyone and generating phony outrage - fine. I don't want to hear about it any more. It's beyond boring at this point. Every time this comes up, Jimmy makes the same points, and does that thing where he gets all serious and tries to sound all poignant. If anyone from the show reads this, I'm just asking you to please stop doing this break. I thought it was interesting when I first heard it eight years ago, and each time it lost a bit of its luster. How many times can you angrily make the same point that I already agree with? I know it's an easy way to eat up time, but please for the love of god come up with something original and entertaining rather than focusing on the same exact thing for a decade. That's it.

tl;dr: I'm a faggot.

edit: Boy, oh boy, you girls sure are sensitive.


I will never get tired of hearing them talk about it, because no one else will, and I hope it drives people insane, good, fuck you if you don't want to hear it.

Adam Carolla has been making this same point going back to the 90's. Here he is reading Scientology's demand for an apology on the air in 1997 and mocking it: http://youtu.be/6EVgzM6WUaA

And a 2003 rant about racism which segues into censorship and telling special interest groups who demand an apology to kiss his ass: http://youtu.be/AY7trE0zfNQ

"Start a boycott, you pussies! Send another letter, Scientology. I'd love to read it. It's funny to me. And you asian groups send a letter, and the gays, send a letter. All of you, send a letter. I enjoy them. Some nice ass-wiping material."

Bill Maher also has been surprisingly supportive of people like Paula Deen when people wanted her fired for statements she made, probably because he himself was fired for pointing out that calling the 9/11 hijackers "cowards" didn't make sense.

Tune into any right wing talk radio show on any given day. They talk about this sorta thing all the time.

Definitely won't hear it on that faggot jon stewart's dogshit show, though I may get to see him crying again like the pussy that he is.

Please refrain from using the "F" word, it's offensive.

On a shitload of subreddits that would actually be a completely serious comment.

Haha nigga please..

For a liberal Bill Maher talks about this shit on his show as well when there is something in the news to bring it up. Maybe he'd bring it up if he had issues on Facebook as well but that's yet to be determined.

Hello exactly!

I listen to O&A, I listen to a bunch of podcasts and I was a Howard listener. O&A+J are the only motherfckers out there talking about how ludicrous it is for anyone to loose their jobs or get in trouble and apologize. To be so overly PC is fucked and I will listen to them do the same break on it because nobody else has the balls to.

I see it more and more even in a free forum like podcasting people just becoming these insanely liberal assholes. I heard the other week a guy have to explain what he meant by using the word cunt. That it wasn't about women so nobody gets offended. It makes me fucking sick.

Opie has been pretty consistent on the issue of being fired for simply using words for years.Ant not so much,for Ant and sometimes Jim it depends on who is fired.

When they close the books on O&A, dead mayors, fucking in churches, homeless cake/rape, and retards on the phone will be mentioned, but the boys using Liberty Media's satellites to repeatedly shout into the wind about imminent danger from culture and language policing will when all's said and done be shown to be the show's high water mark.

You might be right. The thing is, the way these breaks have become is tedious and boring. If they really gave a fuck, they could come up with ideas that entertain and sell the point home. The best always do.

to be fair, adam carolla has been ranting about this since back when o&a were still on WAAF.

The saddest part is that all the people who are "so tired" of OAJ talking about this have no clue that one day it's going to backfire right in their own faces, they'll get fired from their own job, not even for saying "faggot" or anything, but for making fun of a coworker innocently or joking without even using any swear words, and the boss will say, "another employee was offended by your making fun of your friend, so we have to get rid of you," and by then it will be too late, and they'll deserve it anyway because they didn't care that everyone else was openly taking away their free speech.

Let's not make their discussion of the topic out to be more important than it is. Its not really affecting anything. They are passionate about the topic but do nothing with it other than the same rants every few days. Even something as small as having a pro-PC person in to debate the topic would be interesting.

Getting a little cheeky at a private business with a colleague isn't at all what O&A are arguing about. Their point is if you don't like a comedian/radio show etc. just don't listen. The rules are totally different at a place of work, and rightfully so. No-one should be expected to up and quit if they don't like their coworker making jokes about peepees and weewees.

Hi Jim, You did a great job of making that point on air yesterday!

Well thank you, I do have to admit that on a few occasions I don't exactly voice an opinion on the air very well, but yesterday when I said this, it was certainly well said by me, and I was fully correct, as I always am about this specific subject.

Haha fair enough sir.

I think they overestimate the impact in regular corporate jobs. Keep in mind none of them have ever been in that world so they only know what they hear.

You can get fired for shit like that but it has to happen way more than just once. Companies are scared of that liability too, it could be ruled an unjust firing and then they are fucked.

Haha fair enough sir.

I think they overestimate the impact in regular corporate jobs. Keep in mind none of them have ever been in that world so they only know what they hear.

You can get fired for shit like that but it has to happen way more than just once. Companies are scared of that liability too, it could be ruled an unjust firing and then they are fucked.

People who act like assholes at work should be fired. OA&J are right about the media being phony, but they are completely wrong about employers. They have just as much right to fire you as you have a right to speak.

hello exactly

Herro! Exactree!!

Like a Bay City Rorrer

Always an O&A cuckold jumping to their defense even when OP is right.

Sorry that objective reality remains on my side, but don't worry, slap on your "le fedora" and count your post karma.

That's reasonable.

20 hours a fucking week of content, and every faggot on here has to make a post about which 15 minutes segment is just fucking ruining their lives. Shut the fuck up.

To be honest I was kinda on the fence about this subject, until your first sentence really put shit into perspective. 20 hours of talking a week. Sometimes they will have to re-tread old topics, especially ones as relevant as this. This comment was SO much longer than it should've been. Kill me.

Can anyone here react to something at a 5 out of 10? Sheesh.

I just wish they would call small town news anchors on air and grill them.

You don't have to listen to every minute of every show. They made a point during today's show which explains why they keep bringing it up. You need to keep fighting for what you believe in until the day you die. Too many people get apathetic and just accept that this is the new way of the world. If nobody is speaking up, then it's just going to keep happening.

Do I think that O&A are gonna change the world? No, but maybe if more people did start fighting back, then they wouldn't have to bitch about it all the time.

I agree with what you've said here. However, I think they overestimate the impact of preaching about it on their show. They are more or less preaching to the choir at this point. I would love to see them speak out about this in other forums to make more people aware of it. What those forums would be, I don't know.

This sounds a lot like Doug the Dishwasher

Ok faggot, what's next?


I was hoping this would be brought up a lot more by media outlets outside of this show.

I'd rather segregate PC and politically incorrect media than have them all be PC'd to death, regardless of who a show's audience is aiming for.

Yeah, at this point O&A are just preaching to the choir.

Congratulations on posting the only remotely mature response.

I disagree. I enjoy these breaks, and its great to have someone (anyone) in the media to push back. Especially since its just getting worst and worst

If you don't like what they are talking about then CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL! Stop bitching and do the one thing that you can do to make a difference.. change the channel. Go listen to a hoo hoo replay or the vivid whores. Then tune back in 20-30 minutes.

I do it when they talk about shit that I don't want to listen to. Just because you don't like doesn't mean they need to change the topic to sooth your chapped ass.

no thanks

Just like we're tired of the bitching about the show and never want to hear it again. It's simple. I do this with many shows. When I'm not interested in what they're talking about I change the fucking station. Plus o&a rehash topics and bits all the time. It's part of doing 230+ shows a year. Go ahead please try and be interesting without rehashing a topic and do that much talking. You can't. So yeah shut up faggot. God forbid they don't cater the show around all your needs and interests. Go do something else for awhile. Sheesh

Says the guys who can't handle trolls on twitter or the mention of a heart attack or a girl sucking dick to save a lobster. Bunch of frauds

They are using their show as a platform to discuss a global social trend that threatens to make their show impossible to do. Being shock jocks means being un-PC and controversial. There is no reason to let the topic drop just because you personally have given up hope for common sense to trump political correctness

I want it to stop because it's boring and predictable. I think it's cute that you think they're waging some kind of war on the world though.

You mean you don't like hearing the same argument reworded 600 times? Add in some pressured speech and whining, sounds like an awesome hour of radio.

Nobody cares that you are upset that they are pointing out the obvious hypocrisy and double standards in the media that influences jackasses like you to become the stupid cunts that you are. Redditors and SJW's aren't this shows target demographic.

Are you really this stupid?


Ah you totally got me!


You mean you aren't interested in truckers' points of view on censorship and Constitutional Rights?

100% with this, enough already, last few times jimmy did his "IT'S OUR FAULT, ALL OF US!" rant I shut the stream off.


Except it is and people clearly agree with me.


Ooo~ how scientific.


how many times can Jimmy say "we are a faggot country" or some such variation?

Until celebrities get their privacy back.

It's always great to fast forward 30 minutes when this stuff comes up and sure enough they still have their serious pontificating voices on, making the same point over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

I concur. And its a bit ironic coming from the dirtiest, vulgar show in United States radio history, but it wont stop until they get fired for the final time.

That's three topics you imbecile.

Opie met some young twin boys and thought one of his videos went viral.

When youre putting up these kind of numbers, awareness needs to be the first priority

Just go listen to old clips or something else good grief this isnt wackbag

Hurr durr liberals are ruining the country /s

they r actually

The irony of people in this thread crying about "muh cunt and nigger jokes" but these exact same people have down voted many a post here and complained about threads.

Just ignore it op, switch on a podcast.

cant stand it, i totally agree with it but its just depressing to listen to, enough already nothing is going to change why bitch?

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.