Opie is just the fucking worst

9  2014-02-18 by opiesucks

listening to todays show... the constant talking over Nick and then when Nick makes a point, Opie runs with it like it was his own point. He is a horrible human being and I hope "you're all in" on continuing this thread with other examples of why he is the fucking worst. Period.


You idiots just don't get it. I've been doing this since college, I know this shit. I've fuckin had it with you dummies on twitter, @opieradio by the way, seeing if I can bump up those numbers a little bit. Little bit. Ah, for da shoe, for da shoe. I used to try and be subtle with my plugs but now I'm all in maaaaan, yeah, the Opster's all in. (Annoying laugh at own 'joke'). Anyway, what was I saying? Oh right, these dummies don't get it. We punch it up for the radio. If you don't like it listen to something else. We don't need you listening to this dumb show. Truth be told we don't even know the numbers. I don't care. SUre, I'll come in here everyday and do a show in this stupid place, but as far as everything else goes; I'm done man, I don't care about these fuckin twitter DUMMIES. ... So Sam, where were we with this NBC clip?

in the words of opie "heh heh very good." that was outstanding. excellent attention to detail. i am impressed.

lmao at how Opie plugs his twitter/instagram between rants


tss tss

Needed more talk about your morning smoothie.

For the shoe????

Sounds like this guy DOESN'T PLAY. I mean, HE JUST DON'T PLAY.


Watch out for The PsYcHo


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Normally I try my hardest not to dislike Opie but he was kinda annoying today. One of the things I hate is when he mocks the "Message board" fans and does the dumb impression of how stupid we are. He picks out the comments that are so idiotic but never brings up the ones where people actually make valid points against his retardation

It's almost like he's picking things that support his viewpoint on purpose...


i have to admit the rat is right.

He fuckin repeats someones line or gag almost verbatim immediately after hearing it then pauses ,Ant and Jim have to laugh at him before they can continue.Opie stole Dipaolo's whole bit today.

When I first started listening a few years back, I went back and listened to torrents of full months of older shows, and noticed he would verbatim repeat what someone just said. I was going to make a giant supercut of jut him repeating, but then I realized it was futile, as it happens multiple times per show, every single day.

Do it anyway please! Doesn't have to be an all-conclusive list.

I'm considering it, but man, the sheer amount of source material is staggering.

They all do that.

he's constantly looking for anything to turn into something and waste 10 minutes on... any throw away comment someone says and you can tell he's fishing for filler. When the guys were talking about weed, dipshit goes "Patch? why do you have to make a patch?! (pleeeease run with this fellas....)

He really is the worst st repeating exactly what someone just said, usually prefaced with 'THANK YOU!!'

Since I read this, I listened to the show today. It's really infuriating how much he piggy backed the comments by just repeating it. He's supposed to talk for a living, what the fuck is he doing?

Oh that was really terrible. Reiterates Nick's point and then takes a 30 minute Bobo call. I love Bobo but for fucks sake limit him so he's excited to be on the show and not thinking that he's actually part of the show.

It must be the Twitter followers.Someone is telling him having Bobo on every other day is a good idea.

I was listening to some older shows and he hasn't changed a bit. He constantly interrupts, doesn't let anyone finish a thought, and brings up "the Philly crew" way too much. The stories of his college days just reek of a cornball.

That's actually not true. If you listen to the WNEW shows he was a completely different guy. He was like the straight man opposite Anthony, and he fit that role perfectly. But when the show went to XM he started to get angry, insecure and trying to be funny which he's not.

You just nailed it. This is 100% correct.


yeah, when he's a fez he can, like, sit on a turkish guy's head or sumtin tss tss

i hate anyone who says period to declare themselves winner of an argument, period.

I only do it once a month though.

Wow, never thought about it like that. It really is a cunty move.

What really bothers me about him the most is how he incessantly spews misinformation. Like the discussion about gambling and taxes today. Why - if you have no knowledge about it whatsoever - would you go off on a rant about how the government always taxes you when you win but doesn't let you write it off when you lose. (Hint: Gambling losses are a write-off against your wins.)

He would probably do Ant's angry typing guy voice here and say something like, "I'm just a dumb radio guy trying to fill air time. Why do you hang on every word I say?" But you just know he does this in real life constantly.

It's like there's no curiosity to learn anything. Just blast out your own interpretation of something - don't ever say, "Wow, I don't know shit about this topic - what IS the deal with taxes and gambling." And then CONSTANTLY sound like a total retard/fool to anyone who knows anything about the subject at hand.

True, but then again they are like that with music, current events, trends, and multiple other things. I don't sit there and look for radio shows or podcasts to make little mistakes, but they do go on giant rants on this particular show about completely erroneous facts, constantly. For people in the largest city in the world, that constantly meet comedy, music, and movie stars, they all three seem really insulated against anything that's happened in culture in the past 20 years or so.

He's a college graduate.

Him doing the daily mofos joke Vos did, twice, and then trying to save face by giving an unsolicited, detailed explanation was quite embarrassing.

Thank god he got things back on track by doing the ol' high-pitched voice, "twitter" voice combo.

I'm half-way through today's show and already counted four times where he just repeated someone else's punchline, gives a big hearty fake laugh, and then offers nothing else. Just an excuse to talk. Ant at least has the good sense to pretty much just shut up when so many comics are in.

Smart people don't talk all the god damned time.

"i fuckin hate you people and go ahead and say it on a message board." that says how much of a scumbag little bitch opie is. the second someone says anything to him or calls him out on something he does his ehhhhhhh voice and calls everybody dummies, meanwhile this stupid fuck can barely use google. "i hate you people booo hoo hooo by the way here's my twitter, god i hate you twitter people, here's my twitter"

just die opie

How about how he bashed Vos in the first 5 minutes of the show. Vos would crush that idiot, if he were allowed to.

Vos is fucking hilarious but man he gets bashed hard most of the time even when he is funny just because he is Vos. Its become just another bit....

Bashing by his peers is acceptable. Opie isn't even close to being a peer.

Wow, I'm surprised you took the anti-Opie stance for once.

I know, I'm relieved that he decided to switch it up. His old pro-Opie stance was becoming stale.

totally agree.

opie should spend time counting his money and let the professional funny people do their job.

Would the Opie lovers please tell me why he has to repeat his jokes two or three times. WE HEARD YOU!!! It wasn't funny the first time.

Not only that, he repeats them right as a person begins to talk!

Only if I get a taste

I have noticed that opie and bobo have the same delivery

Provided Ant, Jim, Sam etc. are feeding Bobo lines he has a better delivery.


He hijacks a guests talking points and has Sam call Bobo for a 40 minute shit radio bit and we are supposed to think it is like an Andy Kaufman genius radio move ("the casual listener is gonna get pissed but the ones who get me, maaaaaaan, will understand what I'm doin"). At some point ya lose the "it was a bit" card and wind up just fuckin shit up. Don't bring on Bobo when you have Bill Burr, Dave Attel, and Jay Oakerson in studio killing.


Yeah, it would have been okay for a couple of minutes followed by a prompt Opie hang up. It went on too long. Sometimes I think Opie has the "lets just fill up time here" attitude throughout the week now instead of just on Fridays.

Yeah and that's to be expected on days when they don't have much going on but they had some great comics in studio and Burr had super high energy. They coulda just bullshitted for the entire show and it woulda been great.

It just annoys me that the dumbest, least funny and least interesting person on the show talks the most.

The last few months of browsing this subreddit I was always shocked at just how much hate opie got in this place. After todays show I can see why. Overall it was an okay show but I think it's obvious he just doesn't give a shit anymore and doesn't want to be there.

I started coming here maybe like 8 months ago, or so. The Ant hate eclipsed the Opie hate during Zimmerman summer. Now that Ant has quieted his political/racial beliefs down, Opie has resumed the throne of most hated.

The end of 2013 was pretty much non stop Jimmy hate because of hypocritical PC/free speech shit.

Wanting to be there has nothing to do with actively trying to ruin the show.

I don't hate opie but I thought it was funny when tried to start a rant on how it's bullshit that dealers pretend to care if you lose at black jack, but jimmy just snuffed out his dumb theory by saying that dealers that deal wins get better tips.

Literally every show Opie is saying stuff like "How much longer can the show go on" and stuff so it kinda seems like Opie just does stupid crap like this because he no longer cares about the show

No, Opie does stupid crap because he's literally stupid. There isn't some huge conspiracy that Op is actually a genius conning you all. He's a moron from Long Island. A real tried and true moron.



Wait... Nick? Nick who?



I love Opie purely because he pisses off the fan base so much intentionally and unintentionally, especially yesterday when he put Bobo on air and kept the bit going when it looked ready to die. Brilliant.

I like Opie and think you are probably just miserable turds that deserve Jimmy giving addiction advice based on his wild three months 30 years ago. Stop it.

"Right, right... so your girlfriend left you because you were wasting too much time playing video games and have been unemployed for the last 3 years. Have you gone to any 12 step meetings?"

I fucking love Jimmy, but god damn his cult-ish sobriety 12 step sensitive Jimmy kills my boner some times.

I'm all in on Openy's mere existence driving reddit fags up the fuckin wall.

for someone who hates Opie so much, you should have come to the realization by now that he always does this and it is part of his shtick.


Please just stay in your own douchy little subreddit r/opiesucks.

This never gets old. Move on with your fucking life.

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