Anthony Cumia Movie Reference #50: Pesci in JFK "I got cancer. I've Had it fer yeeaahs"

4  2014-02-18 by erockarmy


God damn Stone ruins this scene with that shitty music.

It's Pesci as a typical conspiracy nutbag with an awful wig and painted on eyebrows rambling about THE GOVERNMENT and Stone only noticed how silly and hilarious it was in the editing room, so he said "fuck it, put some serious-sounding music in the background, people will be convinced that it's dramatic," and he was right, but Oliver Stone is a hack director who only got lucky and exploited serious subjects for his cheesedick work.

You ever see the scene in Nixon where the director of the CIA quotes Yeats poem "The Second Coming"? Douche chills extra-ordinaire. It couldn't have been worse if some first year film student had made that scene. There should have been a slow burning pensive cigarette smoking shot that scene it was so horrible.
I'll say he was a product of his time. He made some good films when the zeitgeist of anti-capitalism and anti-vietnam war was with him. JFK is a study in filmmaking, but it's not actual filmmaking because the story is shit. Stone's just not a good storyteller. His ham-handedness is overbearing now, like that Nazi flag at the end of Platoon, cause american soldiers in nam were like the new nazis maaaaan!

Oh god yes this scene, it was the worst in the whole movie. He has the BLACK SATAN EYES because, of course, evil, and CIA, and CIA evil, and the guy playing him was just as much of an ultraliberal as Stone so they were all drooling for the chance to demonize him in a movie. But in reality that director of the CIA was just a big dork apparently (from what I heard) and it was the height of silliness.

And I even liked the Nixon movie, but it was clearly a lot of imaginary shit. I tend to enjoy the silliness more than the actual storytelling, because there's no biographical facts in any of Stone's movies, even the factual stuff is poisoned by Stone's compulsive need to include some weird confusing lies. I just like the parts where they're yelling about JEW York City, and Bob Hoskins as J. Edgar Hoover just talking openly with everyone about wanting to fuck boys, or WHAT'S DETANTE SOUNDS LIKE A COUPLE OF FAGS DANCING etc.

Stone's movies are good to study to see how to try to manipulate an audience, but it's pretty low grade shit. There's always good shit in his movies, and then to me it gets bogged down in the retardation. Sheen's awful fake crying at the end of Platoon, or SHE'S A FUCKIN HUMAN BEING MAAAAAN or that kind of shit, just how heavy handed it was.

i'm lost, is there a recorded show reference to go with this clip somewhere or did i just miss something on a recent show?

Ant and Jim say it from time to time when someone brings up an affliction or a disease they have, "had it fer yeeeahs!"