Any NH O&A Fans on here? Rich Vos is coming to Manchester (ManchVegas) April 19. Let's fill this fucker up!

3  2014-02-18 by greygooser

Sadly (fitting?), he's not playing a comedy club, instead Milly's Tavern. But remember, he "never fails on stage".



"Looshen up people!"

please stop calling it manchvegas it makes us all sound douchey. I saw Stanhop at milly's was good.

Well it is a bit douchey downtown...

I thought the irony was obvious. My apologies.

Yeah, it's a terrible nickname. Stay out of the trees!

im from londonderry!

Hi - I'm in your dirty neighbor.

I don't even know if I'd go to one of his shows if it was in my living room.

He's playing Yakov's ya tard, get the club name right.

I saw him at some joint in jersey. Definitely surprised me. You'll have your cringe moments with his over used jokes. But his strength is crowd working. He had the place laughing their balls off when I went there. Bonnie is that herself.


I saw Doug Stanhope there a few months ago! Ill be there for sure!

Is Bonnie gonna be with him?

Id love to see Ol Vos, Id make the trek up from Lowell