"De Beers -- Because girls are cunts and don't care who dies for their sparkles." - Louis CK

43  2014-02-17 by youfuckmymother


Wonder how reddit would react if they heard how their favorite comedian said this about cunts ..eh.. women.

Please don't use that word here. It wasn't okay for Louis CK to say it back then. (he is pro-feminist now, and also won't say the N-Word anymore)

Shut up cunt, it's Bobo time!

He's also not nearly as funny now.

TIL choosing to no longer perpetuate and normalize rape culture, patriarchy, and racism makes you less funny.

Stop with the patriarchy nonsense.


Please be a troll.

I'm almost positive it is. Very new account with only a few posts, all of which spew some generic SJW horseshit.

Thank the fuck Christ.

get your stupid SJW horse shit out of here.

News flash, jerk, O&A has female listeners too.

Also, the word "stupid" is ableist, don't say it. (Not that it's my job to educate you)

Apparently, O&A has retard listeners, too.




Ableism (/ˈeɪbəlɪzəm/ ) is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities. It may also be referred to as disability discrimination, physicalism, handicapism, and disability oppression. It is also sometimes known as disablism, although there is some dispute [clarification needed] as to whether ableism and disablism are synonymous, and some people within disability rights circles find the latter term's use inaccurate. Discrimination faced by those who have or are perceived to have a mental disorder is sometimes called mentalism rather than ableism.

Interesting: Discrimination | Disability hate crime | Social injustice | Piss On Pity

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Thanks. Everyone here needs to read this.

What the fuck are you talking about? He hasn't censored himself from any word. In fact I remember him arguing that if something offends someone, it doesn't matter at all. No one has the right to not be offended.

This must be the most low effort shitty bait i have ever seen in my career of an internet rambling lowlife. O&A listeners are really retarded in this regard, holy shit.

Cumia: I don't give a shit about niggers!!

Noone does.

I was reminded of this timeless quote after seeing this video on why engagement rings are horse shit

Oof that linked college humor clip is cringe inducing, thanks for bringing the funny level down after a great CK line

cringey or not, it was informative

or you know... you can watch something made for adults


it wasn't even cringey you tard

Pretty much all of marriage is a scam.

or you know... you can watch something made for adults


Thank the fuck Christ.