Ant and the Hutt.

2  2014-02-14 by skynet907

These two love birds have been flirting back and forth, will Ant give up the young puss for a mature firecunt?


I say Ant fucks the Hutt but only in the butt.

Maybe she'll play ping pong with his ding dong in Hong Kong.

Little Beavis needs a mommy.

He gets a new mommy almost every night.

You got one cat looking one way and the other looking the other way.

And the guy in the middle going what do you want from me. He has a nice head of white dentures. Kinda looks like someone we know!

Beavis to Anthony: "Shut up, you're always talking."

But in meowing it sounds much nicer.

It sounds better in Italian

Beavis why you so quiet.

I'm just listening.

She wants his mongrel cock.

you can say the same about her.

Have you ever even seen Jenny Hutt's husband? Anthony doesn't stand a snowball's chance in fucking hell.

Ant kinda looks like a bizarro that guy

Crazy bitches from Long Island don't have standards. They just want more hog in their gash.

May I remind you that Ant has a pool and a hot tub.

Hutt has been richer than Ant since she was born.

I'm imitating his " game". He automatically starts naming his material possessions when flirting.

and a velociraptor

The better looking they are, the closer they are to the old "mysterious zone".

That guy looks like the better version of Anthony


firecunt? hahaha.

Isn't she a Jeeeeew.... doesn't that go against some Nazi principle or something that Ant has?

BTW... I think she is a hot milf. Like Bobo, I'd keep her conscious.