Hey guys, I just played BF4 with Edgar Mellencamp.

0  2014-02-13 by Mitchull

His teeth were certainly dry, he said. It was bizarre to be referencing O&A in a video game. Good times.


Ookay, terrific.


I play as chip on red orchestra 2 heroes of Stalingrad.

It's a ton of fun. People take the game so seriously and outa nowhere chip budges in with a stupid joke.

Do people still play that? I have it, but thought it died out.

Yea I'm always finding full servers.

I usually play the red October expansion pack tho. Nothing funner then Japanese chip.

Dude i've seen you there! and theres a Chip AND an Edgar on the TWB server on regular RO2, saw em yesterday.

edit: and RO2 still has a very active community, very fun game if you like realistic stuff.

Every time I win a hard fought match, I say "...and that's how you executive produce!"

This post fucking blows and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You should be ashamed of your manners, you rascal.

I played BF4 on a server that regularly has a guy named "derp_its_bobo" and so me and my brother are constantly saying YOU'RE LYING BOBO in response to like nothing.

The guy doesn't seem to get it.

theres like a million bobo's out there hell even R&F and howard had a bobo, but kurlan is the number one bobo.

I've played with that guy too.

BF4 rocks! I lose respect for Anthony with that COD shit. but everyone has a flaw i guess

Yeah, he's pretty faggish with COD. Seems like bf4 would be right up his alley.

PSN ID - teddy_sheckler

I usually play as Chip, only had people make OnA references once or twice.

I did too! I also was playing DayZ and it pops up with "your mouth is dry"

I've seen Chip Chipperson in a BF4 game before. We made a few O&A show references and then continued on with the game. Chip Chipperson also posts on HFBoards.

Out of curiosity, are you all playing on Xbox, Playstation, or PC.


I played Red Orchestra 2 with a Erock a few days ago, was just about tell yell show references at him when the server disconnected me....