How I imagine Anthony in bed. (x-post /r/gifs)

28  2014-02-13 by jimmyjon1234


You forgot the 17 yr old next to him.


Yea, that is pretty old.


No, I mean, she's a little under legal age.

oh, literal Phrunkis!


You assuming Ant follows age of consent laws.


Dude I was just trying to make a fucking joke don't over analyze every thing I say.

That was a joke?

Using the term loosely.

I got it.

You imagine Anthony in bed lubing up his cock in preparation for your asshole faggot.

And yet you're the one who pictured and typed it.

Either way, I'm jerking off.

You imagine Anthony in bed? Some of you guys are like, mega-super homos.

It's not gay unless balls touch, you fucking bigot.


That's okay, Jimmy will still accept me.

I don't own any guns, but that seems like pretty good and concealed home protection. I approve!

I dunno, i roll around a lot in my sleep and wouldn't want to get whacked in the face with a stock.

This is the last thing Oscar Pistorius's girlfriend ever saw.

The only time I have imagined Ant in his bed is when he talked about Jills anal grease.


You thought you were the only one who remembered? Ant compared it to pizza grease and I haven't been able to eat pizza since.


This guy's pretty cool.

I don't EVEN own a gun, but I want this NOW. Maybe I'll use it for condom storage, or sandwich storage, or maybe both when I find the girl of my dreams.

Coke floats in my cup, Coke floats in my cup, Hoagies in my bed, Erock army niggaa

Hope he doesn't misfire and blow his chicks head off as he flags her.

b/c Ant owns guns.

What's Collin Quinn doing in Anthony's bed?

All jokes aside.. this is the only practical way I can see a home invasion going in favor of the homeowner.

Home owner has the advantage of knowing their environment.

Remember when you were a child playing hide and seek at your place and you always won?

You may have never thought about it, but you know the choke points, the exits and entrances for every place in your house. You can easily ambush an intruder and catch them offguard.

Really? Another all jokes aside, how does Cumia think he's going to Jack Bauer room to room with his HK while burping up wine blackout drunk?

Home security will become more important to you plebs as the years pass. Your lack of foresight is... disturbing.


this is awesome by why does every gun guy looks like he's in the least danger of being robbed (ant), i think they just like playing army.

True story: I banged the girl Anthony took to the high school reunion/pediatricians office. She said he was a pretty boring fuck. Lol.

Ugh, even if this was real... I wouldn't associate myself with Ants leftovers. AIDSSS

I assure you it is real. I knew her a while before she was banging Ant. Daddy issues up the ass, a "cutter", and all round emotionally unstable. But easily top 3 fuck ever, absolutely filthy. I remember I wanted a video to jerk off to later and planned this elaborate mechanism to film the sexing but forgot to stage everything. So I just said, "Can I film this?" and she said "Yeah."

I got it.