Audio of the Chester the dog story?

0  2014-02-13 by mediated_self

Once in a while Anthony will make reference to when Opie kicked his mother-in-law's dog in the liver and it died shortly thereafter, but I've never heard the boys recount the story in detail. Is there audio of the Chester story beyond the occasional references to Opie kicking the dog in the liver as retribution for it eating Opie's steak? I know they've talked about the period when Opie lived with Ant's mother-in-law a few times.


They've talked about it over the years, but I can't find a specific segment of it on youtube. The best I can find is an isolated clip of Ant imitating what must have been the mother in law saying "omg, Opie killed chestah"

I did another search using that quote, and found a clip that fits the bill of what I was looking for:


When did you start listening, 3 weeks ago? Which particular time over the last 14 years do you want the audio from because there's gotta be 50 to pick from easily. You might as well ask for the audio of "that time they were reminiscing about 90's alt rock".

I don't know, dickhead, cuz I don't what went on that day, fuckface!

More scathing wit from the man himself!

Yeah he's a ruthless cake stomping, dog kicking, show steering motherfucker.

Steering that shit right into a fucking iceberg at 4 knots.

"i da captain now, im all in"

Yeah he's a ruthless cake stomping, dog kicking, show steering motherfucker.