Just watched Comedians in Cars with Stern...

9  2014-02-13 by Mitchull

He's like an old woman. I think him and Bette Midler are interchangeable.


I'M ALL IN with comedians in cars, so i don't give a fuck what you think.


The other episodes had me HOWLING.


Let me set this up for the new listeners.

holy phhhuuuuck!!

I don't mean to break down the 3rd wall but I haven't seen it

I'll be the first to admit it!



Ordering hot water like someone from the 1800's was odd.

A nice refreshing glass of hot water.

My nerve tonic isn't going to dissolve itself, you know.

Makes his metamucil dissolve faster.

That's a transcendental meditation thing. Maharishi used to do that.

Water only comes hot when you're living in hell.

You're a sick fuckin puppy.

He's the Bruce Jenner of Radio.

I like the show and don't give a shit about the Howard feud but that was a terrible episode.

It was heavily edited and the shortest episode I can recall from that series. Really forgettable except for those new teeth jesus christ. Lisping over those things is cringy as shit.

It was so heavily edited compared to other episodes. Odd, right? Dare we speculate that Jerry and Howard didn't mix well.

The Costanza one was extremely short as well.

That was a commercial spot and not an actual episode. Still enjoyed it.

It was added to the episode list but it was a Super Bowl commercial.


who gives a fuck.

it was not that bad, but I can't believe that creep took his hair stylist with him.

Obviously, his hair is real since he brings a stylist to a diner....He probably brings his dentist along to some social functions, too.

Hoo hoo ah Robin Anthony from Opie and Anthony got fake teeth yesterday, I invented the fake teeth on radio hoo hoo.


It really is sad how Stern turned out.

Seinfeld had on Letterman and Leno, they were great. You would expect Stern to at least match that, considering he is also a major talk show host. He also had a career where he was allowed to be much edgier and less mainstream, that should make him great at this stuff, not make him into a neurotic Jewish lady. His episode would be outstandingly horrible compared to all of the rest, if it wasn't for the awkward Todd Barry one.

My apologies for enjoying the episode.. Faggots

stern is a neurotic jew. having a casual conversation on camera that he isn't steering is outside his comfort zone so this was doomed from the beginning. the only angle he had was acknowledging and playing up his neuroticism. also he has never been a comedian, so he didn't even fit the title.

it was more like watching 2 guys trying to figure out what makes the other tick than watching 2 comedians having a casual chat over coffee.

TIL Howard Stern is a "comedian"

Most of his shtick was edgy, but I wouldn't really consider him a comic, rather a guy who said Fuck the FCC and pushed the barriers of broadcasting in his heyday. Suddenly a guy known for being edgy and telling girls to show their breasts is a comic.

has opie commented on this episode yet? would love to hear his take.

What's wrong with Bette Midler?

Nothing. Maybe it was a compliment.

Is it so hard to put a link to the episode in the title at least?

First, buy a PS4 or console of your choice. Then, go here:


I liked when Jerry was about to do the whole self righteous crap he does, Howard shot him down immediately. "Who are you Jesus?" LMAO

This episode almost felt like proof (as if anyone needed) that Beth is only with him for his money.

He's such a neurotic fucker. He's like Woody Allen without the jokes. It's exhausting. I was exhausted listening to him after only 5 minutes. I'm only neurotic once in a while, but even then every girlfriend I had called me on it immediately. Women hate that shit. I can't believe a woman would tolerate that neurotic old lady for anything less than $250million

The other episodes had me HOWLING.



Let me set this up for the new listeners.

holy phhhuuuuck!!


It was added to the episode list but it was a Super Bowl commercial.

I don't mean to break down the 3rd wall but I haven't seen it

I'll be the first to admit it!


Nothing. Maybe it was a compliment.