O&A IQ test.

0  2014-02-13 by pekingoose

Was listening to the Stern staff IQ test bit the other day,pretty funny,Stern and Robin opted out though.

How do you think the boys would go in a staff IQ test?

Don't imagine there would be any over the top scores there.

Opie vs BoBo would be interesting.


Ok firsht of all, here'sh da ting, my Intellectual Quiz is 141, OK?

God, I love Vos.

I saw once that a 141 IQ is higher than 99.75% of people.

I'm not sure that's accurate for Vos.

141 is officially genius.

Depends on the test publisher's classifications. He probably took the Stanford-Binet test, which was standard when he was in school. So 141 would put him in the "Gifted or very advanced" range.



He took an online one, probably those free mother fuckers.

The kind that tells you you're a genius and then tries to sell you an official certificate to prove it. Whether or not you buy that is the real test.

You seem to know an awful lot about that. How much did you pay for yours?

I once scored a 144 in high school. #livinginthepast #neverlettinggo

I scored a 132, which is pretty good, and now I am a worthless bum. IQ doesn't mean shit.

132 is still great! Like 95th percentile.


Could possibly be confused with Marion.


You tweet choohn?

I would think Ant, Jim and Sam (as much as I am not a fan of him on the air) would score pretty well. The Opster would not "put up numbers" when it comes to the ol' IQ test. However, when he scored low he'd say scoring low was just a bit and the listeners are idiots for not getting it.

"OOOOooobviously i know the right answers you dummies! I'm all in on appearing stupid"

"I'm CREEPED OUT by the fffuuckin' spatial reasoning shit! All those unfolded shapes... it's ffuchkin creepy, right?"


I generally agree, though I think Ant and Sam would score higher than Jim (who's my favorite part if the show).

I think all the scores would be in a pretty tight range, with not much variance.

"Opie's not so stupid after all" - the HSS's BoBo

Ant is the most well rounded which is good when it comes to radio and being able to have a conversation about just about anything but I would guess Jimmy would have the highest IQ if they were tested. He may not know as much as Ant but He always has a more critical way of thinking when subjects come up.

Yeah. There is a big difference between IQ and being able to retain information. Ant seems like his brain is a steel trap. Jimmy is very well spoken and during off-the-cuff conversation he is always able to contribute something worthwhile.

pretty sure Jim would do it as Chip.

Never happen of course because Stern invented IQ bits etc.

What's that dude? Sorry, your phone crapped out



Out of all the staff Travis is probably the brightest by a wide margin.

Man I got excited thinking someone created a quiz about o and a knowledge. I'd like that.

That would be interesting. There are people who know a lot of shit about the show, but what really confuses me is when people call up saying they're long time listeners and then fall for the "we heard you" bit.

I think theyre doing a little volume trickery in some of those cases. Not a prepburger type thing but I dont think the caller is hearing exactly what we're hearing sometimes. Other times the callers are probably just idiots rehearsing their shitty lines and ultra excited to be talkin to some Big Radio Staaars

That's what I thought. I'd love to see that.

Which hat store was Jim Norden born in? Show your work!

my expert opinion...

ant ~130

sam ~125

jim ~115

travis / opie ~110

sal / roland / mars ~95

Forgot Erock - ~ 247

IQ / lb weight is a measure of torques, not Elephant-power.

IQ isn't an accurate way of measuring intelligence nigga


Sam would be at the top, followed by either Anthony or Eric, then Jim and Opie would be pretty close to each other (they have different kinds of intelligence, and both seem to get lost in obvious stuff. Opie really does seem good at math and certain intuitive exercises. Jim is quick-witted to say the least, but his logic........)

Or maybe swap Anthony and Sam. I just suspect ant has his moments of stupidity, recognizes them, and hides them by remaining quiet, whereas Jim and Opie will seem stupid in the moment by voicing confusion or questions. They follow up until they understand, but Anthony tends to keep his self-identified ignorance to himself.

"I'm CREEPED OUT by the fffuuckin' spatial reasoning shit! All those unfolded shapes... it's ffuchkin creepy, right?"