Why in God's name is David Lee Roth coming back to the show soon?

35  2014-02-12 by creep-boot



He's back, and better than ever.

Their "we're back" song was actually cornier than the one Jimmy improvised. Jimmy's song would have been a step up from Blood and Fire.


He's Back! He's Back He's Back He's Back

How has no one made a full youtube compilation of "we're back" and all of Jimmy's song writing? All the clips are scattered.





Because theyre children of the 80s


Perhaps a little later than that, h3yf3ll4.

Oh, literal Anton_Lemieux......

In their 80's.

Some of us like him!

Agreed. I actually like him for some reason.

He's so manic and odd. I used to hate listening to him but he has this weird cadence to the way he speaks, that is almost hypnotic.

EXACTLY THIS!!!!! It's his god damn cadence!!!

I think he is a great guest and I am not even a Van Halen fan. He was great on Rogen's show as well.

opie is all in with dave

Rock n Roll you follow? It's radio gold you follow?

Ya dig?

After Every. Fucking. Sentence.

Opie wants another day off.

David Lee Roth and Dice. Two people I most certainly skip over every single time they're on.

Don't forget Thomas Paparelli

memorabilia guy is the worst, followed by trump's faggot kid but thankfully they don't have him on anymore.

yes,two of the most rancid show stoppers they have had on.


I don't mind DLR, but I hate dice. I think he is the most obnoxious person in the world. I've tried to find him funny but I just can't. If he never came back on the show I would be very happy.

They are both pretty horrible. I'd add Pat Cooper to that list. It's just non stop babbling until the show is over.

I love it when the show does things that you hate.

I love DLR. I'm not even a big Van Halen fan. He is sporadic, eccentric, and incredibly talkative but I find him fascinating and fun. The metaphorical shit he says is really trippy.

I fucking hate Van Halen music. I think it's a joke, and I think that entire music scene is slightly less shameful than a Nazi party membership.

But I love DLR on the show and I think he's cool as shit.

Van Halen's really not that bad. I don't listen to them, I didn't grow up with them, and I probably couldn't name more than a few of their songs, but it's basically just mindless rock music - DLR doesn't pretend that they were doing God's work or anything.

he sucks and i dont like him

Because the rock.. never dies. Fans want to hear about how edgy he used to be back in his rockin days. Man, I can remember it now.. tour buses, hot girls, pools of liquor. Those were the days brother, when rock was supreme man. Back in the rockin 80's man, get the tunes jiving.

I think he's alright in small doses. If anything we'll get some good DLR impressions from Ant.

I fucking hate you guys

The boys need a break from show prep.

Show prep?

Yes, I'd like to know so I know not to hit download for that day. The guy is absolutely tiring. He's quite the raconteur but his cadence, his vocal mannerisms just make you wonder when he's going to take a breath.

I think it's been too long since he was on

Would you rather a Wine expert with a ten page book??

DLR is a great guest.


I can't turn off his stories, I find him so entertaining!

He needed the money.

Because he's a rock legend and like all rock legends, they are great in small doses. It's been a while. Stop bitching cunt.

I like his stories

More like WHEN in god's name is he coming back? So I can make sure to listen to it. 8)

because he pisses fans off like you

Hmm, if I remember right, last Tim DLR was in it was just him and bob Kelly and Sam? All three boys were out but they still had a live show.

All three then talked shit about what a wordy disaster DLR was. I don't know why they would bring him back either. He's worse than Opie on his worst day

It was Norton, Sam, Florentine and DLR.

ahh yes, and it was unlistenable, despite my love for florentine

Better yet, why in God's name HASN'T he been back yet?

memorabilia guy is the worst, followed by trump's faggot kid but thankfully they don't have him on anymore.

After Every. Fucking. Sentence.