Chip's appearance on 2/10/14 show

15  2014-02-11 by sackman1886

When Chip showed up on Monday's show, I almost had to pull over because I was laughing so hard. The way he had the idea for a joke, then asked the guys to turn off his mic, then explaining how to setup the bit, and then dropping it so forcefully followed immediately by total silence.... The whole exchange fuckin' destroyed me. Chip's real genius is just how fucking terrible he is.


No. You didn't almost have to pull over. Shut up.

dude i saw it he had milk coming out of his nose

I bet he was howling too

I forced myself to laugh even though I didn't want to. I just wanted to fit in.

He had soda all over his monitor

then the friend starting throwing up and he felt out of the closet throwing up and the tape fell out of the camera and broke!

Wonder where that tool is these days

He crashed his car so hard that his shoes fell off.

Yes huh...


Chip's real genius is just how fucking terrible he is.

You might be onto something there.

Best Chip bit since he started asking to go to break.

anyone have audio of this?


what a weird site that you have linked too.. it's amazing why someone would make a blog for this one show only!

Yeah, this harkens back to the times of early Chippery. Nothing could have made me happier.

I missed this.

What's that?

Oh you're the best!

You probably thought that was the amazing trick shot vid...but a pest actually came through for once.

I absolutely hesitated before clicking it...

Yea, i look like an idiot laughing on the bus home.

me too, especially because i expected something along the lines of "what, do you gotta eat 'em off your stomach or sumptin" but he took it in an entirely different direction. oh, chip.

Yes huh...

dude i saw it he had milk coming out of his nose

He had soda all over his monitor

He crashed his car so hard that his shoes fell off.

then the friend starting throwing up and he felt out of the closet throwing up and the tape fell out of the camera and broke!