Be on the lookout : Danny "the Jew" Ross is lurking around here...

9  2014-02-08 by LouisCKstink

He used to be u/BenSparks before being destroyed by everyone and has since changed it for something else. Which one : I don't know. But lookout, he's spreading his aids and hate for the show.....


I've flushed things that I give a fuck about more.

Yeah, if you saw the dead hookers body into little pieces, you should be able to flush her down the toilet.


Fake or real, Danny is terrible. Go fuck yourself, baldy.

How do you know? Why should we care?

East Side Dave hated Danny Ross.

Finally a reason to like ESD

He is part of the 99.9% then.

I'm sure you're right, but I don't remember that ever coming out on air. What did I miss?

He would consistently take shots at "big doodies" on Special Delivery starring Sam and Dave.

And look out for his faggot brother too. I forgot his user name but if you shit talk Danny he just resorts to classic insults about living in a basement and being a virign.

Just fuck each other and get the homicide/suicide over with

That "Ben Sparks" account just sounds like a super fan trying to sound like an insider. Danny has revealed more on his actual twitter account than his supposed reddit disguise.

Looking through /u/BenSparks' comment history, it's pretty clearly Danny. I sort of wish he'd admit it and do a micro-AMA.

I know people hate him, but his post history is an interesting fucking read. Yeah he's miserable but there's at least a little truth in it.

im glad you said that, his post history is riveting, 3 questions... anthony had a fucking heart attack, steve C killed himself?!?!?! (i thought he died of health issues), and everyone on the show itself hates opester?

Which are all things you can find out by 1) being a long-time listener, 2) being on this sub, or 3) being on wackbag.

The thing that got me is that anthony didn't go to Steve C's funeral. That completely sounds like something that could happen.

And he was implying that he would have committed suicide (because of events on the show) but I think he did die of a health thing.

No, he did commit suicide. How do people not know this by now?

He hung himself in the basement of his home. Awful story

Yeah it is

unless BenSparks is actually Ben Spraks the former producer. That guy posts alot and Anthony even responded to him once on here calling him a cunt.

Ben had a problem with Opie. /u/BenSparks only attacks Ant.

Im pretty sure /u/opantxm is really Ant and he thinks /u/Bensparks is the real Ben Sparks. Scroll to the bottom for their interaction.


Pretty sure Ben Sparks is not the actual Ben Sparks.

god, that's so weird. if he's that miserable about loosing his gig, why's he burning every possible bridge? management could've changed eventually, and they could've taken him back. fortunately for the listeners, his shitty attitude makes that impossible. he's kind of a poisoned person. i hate him on the show and the tiny amount of power he had and abused was disgusting but if he's that cancerous with hate i hope he gets over it and feels better IRL.

/u/BenSparks was just a troll I gave him the option of proving he was Ben in private and he didn't so I bant him. I'm pretty sure /u/DannyJRoss is who ever /u/BenSparks was.

He will end up being bant as well. Obviously I have no problem with these guys being on here. We don't want people portraying them.

Please do, the novelty gimmick account that only bashes the show is getting old.

I have a problem with people who actually think "bant" is the proper word for this. The word is BANNED. You said it wrong twice. I'd call you a moron but it seems you don't need anybody to do that for you.

People in this sub speculate on the most random shit. How the fuck would anyone on here know that?

I'm amazed anyone would even give a shit

Is the fact that he's jewish some kind of shameful revelation??

it was for me

Then you're an idiot.

And you're an anti-semite.

Did a bot post this? Just seems like it's an automatic response.

Anti semite

Oh, get called out on something serious and reply with some non sequitur answer. A classic /r/opieandanthony reply.

I'm a Jew you one-watt goof, it was a self deprecating joke. edit I'm still annoyed at you for being a PC pansy here of all places. Joik off!

Look at all the fucks I give about what you think!

Stop acting like posting here is some kind of tough obstacale, lox snorter.

What the fuck does that even mean? Go eat your napkin at the kiddie table

I like that you called him a one watt goof earlier. fuckin homerun.

Lol right?

I figured that wasn't Ben, his "inside knowledge" was for things after he got fired.

It's really pathetic the way he can't move on. Have some fucking self respect.

For what it's worth Danny, you taught me about putting Jack Daniels in my Guinness AND were a huge part of Secret Show to the Future. Love ya, miss ya, Danny

Hey Mods,

I'm not sure if I'm alone on this one, but why do you have to ban names like BenSparks and DannyJRoss without verification? Are you worried that some subscribers are too dumb to form their own opinions on whether these people are exactly who their names indicate? I'm going to be honest with you:

I'm not actually a dog, regardless of what my username says.

How about instead of getting ban-happy with your moderator status you ask the community how it feels? I'm pretty confident they'd agree with you but as people have said, DannyJRoss and BenSparks have had pretty interesting comment histories, and I'd rather have interesting shit to read.

How is this guy even a mod? He's clearly bias and will act on his own opinion. That's sloppy moderating. A joke really.


Well since you're the actual Danny and aren't afraid to let it be known, I guess it's no big deal for you to post a pic right? I mean, since it IS you and all..

Hey, faggot, he asked them via PM to prove they are who they say they are. Both refused.

If you want to repost stuff from Wackbag and impress the O&A Reddit fans who learned about the show in 2011 from Louis CK YouTube clips, you can do it without pretending to be a fired staff member.

I promise you DannyJRoss is Danny.


He's a coward faggot who obviously is upset about being fired from the show and cutoff from his rich friend Ant and he needs a way to voice his frustration.


Pat FUCKIN' Duffy? No FUCKIN' way.

What was Ant's and Danny's falling out again? I remember the show when Ant was explaining the firing and there didnt seem to be any beef.

It was about 8 months ago. All Ant said about it was that Danny was a "miserable cunt" and "fuck him". No further explanation was given.

Ant couldn't take Danny's shitty attitude and bitterness and finally realized what most people already knew about Danny.

Ant couldn't take Danny's shitty attitude

Pot ... meet kettle

Once Ant couldn't buy his love anymore, Danny got really horrible to deal with.

I don't know if you follow his facebook, but he emphatically and repeatedly says he doesn't care, lol.

Danny was Jewish?

The show would be off the air now if it wasn't for my Danny!

I could listen to ant rip into Independence Day every fucking morning.

is.Changed his name from Rosenberg.



Careful, he'll sue your ass.

Any person on the planet who has any type of "hair contest" should be exterminated.

I enjoyed Danny. Approx 6.4x1012 clits per inch is how much.

whinging little bitch-boy?

should I care?

And a big ewww to the faggot white knight that tweeted at Danny alerting him that someone is pretending to be him on reddit. How fucking gay is white knighting another dude.

Probably as gay as reporting about it on reddit.



I don't care

Yes, yes you do.

^ this is soo danny

/u/DannyJRoss you have 24 hours to prove it's really you or you can just post another another name. If you don't want to provide proof in public just PM the mods.


Danny confirmed on twitter it's not him.

Lame but not at all surprising. If he had any balls, he'd at least give this a shot.

/u/danross69 or some shit.


What do you mean his hate for the show? He loved O&A.

It's management that he had disdain for.

And having to sit on phone books to see over the console.

And you're an anti-semite.

Stop acting like posting here is some kind of tough obstacale, lox snorter.

I could listen to ant rip into Independence Day every fucking morning.

He hung himself in the basement of his home. Awful story

Look at all the fucks I give about what you think!