So I guess Anthony spent Christmas with his girlfriends family.

72  2014-02-07 by [deleted]


jesus fucking christ. people get on opie and say shit like "you can hear anthony and jimmy just looking at him sometimes" but this is some next level shit that no one addresses. their friends talk about this in bed with their spouses before they go to bed.

Wow that last statement seems crazily accurate.

yeah man this is so weird I mean we always knew Anthony loved the young girls but this picture really puts it all in perspective

exactly thats what i get annoyed about is that the fans shit on opie for being a normal good family guy, and ant is looked at like the cool kids parent that lets 5th graders drink, just shows how immature and retarded most of the fans are.

that being said i dont give a shit what ant does, its creepy but its creepier that her parents are in on it, the mom is the real creep.

Dude is a full blown legit pedo.

Socially acceptable in the Club of Rome to fuck your kid up. The ruling class is all child on man love what do you expect? Where does he get his values from? The people in charge derp.

hell yeah. illuminati nigga

They can downvote me all they want I have Patrice as my Facebook profile picture I live the truth. Patrice would cocksmack all these idiots mate.

Ugh, you're embarrassing.

You're an idiot you're a Jim Norton fan, and even your personality exudes him you are so unoriginal that Patrice would stab you, and then Jimmy would laugh at you. It'd be a conspiracy its called the douchebag got it coming cover up.

IS he a Club Of Rome member?

Club O' Sicily more like it.

What? No. I am just saying it. Anthony is a patriot what are you talking about?


IMO its well there was way small nuclear device to include in conjunction with the design of the cuts in the steel I don't think thermite myself but the china syndrome suggests a small nuclear device due to the warped cars 5 miles away from the blast site suggests such. Building 7, the drills, the numerology, everything about it even Silverstein the building owner made a few bills off the insurance alone. Whole thing is sketchy.

Opie's wife is in her late 20s and Jim's last girlfriend was younger than her.


Is that real? It looks like the family sacrificed their daughter to a ghoul.


said the exact same thing

Do you think Ant calls her 'Mommy' when talking to Bevis?

That's fucking creepy.

For some reason, the cat makes it worse.

You think they used the cat as a conversation piece while having that uncomfortable dinner?

I think the cat was used as a distraction every time the conversation started to get uncomfortable.

Thats not the word for it, he looks like all those people are his hostages, surely he must know what a pedo he appears to be.

I don't think there're enough "e's" in that./s

I'm on a 10-e limit right now.

Replace "e" with "cronut," and you've got Roland's current diet

Car crash...

Saw it coming. I deserve it. A captain must go down with his ship.

He's the same age as her parents. That's just gotta be fucking weird for her dad. She better watch out as her younger sister is getting close to ants age category

fucking jailbait isn't even worth hanging out with her parents and seemingly adopted sister.

they are looking at him like dollar signs.

The mom is like "does there need to be photo evidence that we condone this? Who let the fat smelly intern in here?" The father: "Well at least he isn't black, or asian like the last ones." MERKA.

Her sis looks like she has some minority blood in there somewhere, I doubt Ant would touch that.

He's blacker than she is.

she looks a little dark though


Shes not even trophy material.. always slouching and SHIT, and I have a feeling she answers every question with 'I don't know...'

So you wouldn't do her?

of course I would. But not if I was a millionaire

this wins the thread


Well, as she's been done by a millionaire, you'd have a lot to live up to.

Fukin' home run Chip--Chipperson!

"Do" and "Date long term and spend holidays with family" are two VERY different things.

Ant's a romantic.


I think the real question here is: Does he ring that bell when he talks to his GF about her sister?

the inappropriate bell has gotten really weird the past couple years.

As in lame? Yeah

more like awkward.

Aw man I love Anthony but this is seriously disturbing yo

I wasn't expecting a father to be involved.

You can see the pain, the disappointment, the anger in his eyes.

In all seriousness, I feel awful for him. Although he must have something to do with her fucked up psyche. I'm talking out of my ass I don't fucking know.

That can't be her real father. Her real father is in jail

I don't think Ant goes for the kinds of girls whose real dads are still around.


Look at can almost hear the sigh she lets out after the flash goes off.

Probably a stepfather.

Those shit-teeth

That bitch got long arms.

Can't work that hammer with baby arms.

Fun fact: the dad's hair was brown when Ant started plowing his daughter

With those hair plugs and fake teeth, Ant is turning into Mr. Potatohead.

This is like a Wes Anderson movie

She's not that attractive honestly...also has gorilla arms

Is her dad wearing these?

I'm sure her father wants to see Ant dead.

the father will probably outlive ant so it's possible

I'm sure he's not the only one.

wow is that creepy, how does a self respecting dad allow that to happen?

probably not the dad.

He justifies it by telling himself "Well, at least she isn't shacking up with a n.." You can figure the next five letters out on your own.

nigger. Type it or dont implie it you faggot.

lol implie. you don't have spell check in the text window?

Nigger. There, ya happy.


She looks like Viggo Mortenson

I must be the only one here that thinks she's hot as fuck. Good for anthony.


ah man idk she's slumpy and isn't all the hot and I'm not hating but I feel like Ant could get some super hot young girl with an amazing body. This girl looks like someone I would date and I'm just a lame 19 year old douche.

Shes into Metal and isnt liberal white spoiled douche, those are definitely pluses for me. Looks good enough, would do, but too bad im in my 20s and don't live in a mansion.

Not a white liberal spoiled douche, MAAAAANNNNN! She's really mature for her years, MAAAAANNNNNN!


In all seriousness, it must be nice getting to bang a younger chick and not have to put up with inane trendy social message babble.

I dont give a fuck if your 50, but if your apologist privileged liberal cunt you annoy the shit out of me(same for far right wing christian cocksuckers). So dont make me out to be some fanboy MAAAAAAAAANNN

im going to go out on a limb and guess that you're overweight and have bad facial hair

Nay on either of those. Maybe your right about facial hair part, i have a closely trimmed beard, but its fine imo. Care to elaborate why are you making those assumptions ?

you're talking about how liking metal is a good thing, how you're above mainstream politics, and you just used the word "nay"

I to listen to it when i work out and on my off time because metal is awesome. Im not above mainstream politics (whatever that means anyway), im libertarian by american definition, im just not fan of extreme or far whatever wings. I used nay because it fit at that specific occasion. I still dont get what this has to do with facial hair and weight. You my friend are silly goose making assumptions.

whatever, fatso

Good response, love ya miss ya brother.

You seem to forget she's a spoiled child of rich liberals who is being the "edgy" conservative.

I thought he left this mini Barbara Streisand months ago

Three things I noticed.

  1. The niece's nose is similar to the man with the beard.
  2. The adult female appears to have both hands on the semi-urban young lady, as if to protect her from something.
  3. Beavis is so creeped out by the entire situation that he refuses to look at the camera.

hands on the semi-urban young lady

My sides!

Jesus H Christ.

Jesus Fucking Christ

Even little Beavis is disgusted.

Is it just the picture or does she always look like an awkward teenager?

She is a awkward teenager...

my family would have treated an italian mummy like a pinata if one of my sisters brought it over. Be fucking proud, New York.

This is a real-life version of Steel Panther's "If You Really Love Me". A line of the lyric goes "...'cause you're 19 and I'm 52."

Ant was born in 1961.

They must be getting a cruise or false teeth or something out of this

Maybe even a new trailer

She looks like Marilyn Manson with no makeup.

So the dude from wonder years.

And from Eastbound & Down for like, 30 seconds.

In keeping with his other predilection, he's having baby teeth put in

Even Beevis is ashamed.

What a fucking ghoul...

Her mom is fucking hot

No wonder Ants' on Woody Allen's side

Since he started grooming her when she was 16 and started banging her when she was 17 (if that's the same girl) he might feel obligated to keep her around awhile. Or scared she'll go to the authorities if he doesn't.

The girl Stetten was talking about is the knee was catfished by. Ant bought some 50 y/o man an Ipad who he thought was a 15 y/o. If he wasn't rich, he would be in jail by now

How quickly would Anthony become a populist if he lost all of his money?

Probably around the point what was his trophy girlfriend left what was his house with all of her things...

Anthony needs some fucking help

I didn't know that Ant's chick's dad is Adam Savage.

I find it creepy that the family unit is there acting like everything is normal. If Ant was just deep dicking a runaway, it would be slightly less creepy.

There is a very sad and strange combination of emotions that you can see in her father's eyes. Shame and submission. And that's one of about fifteen creepy things about this photo.

this is almost as ghoulish as the chicken hawk documentary. just surfing the internet and happened upon it... riiight.

Funny how today I was listening to an old patrice on O&a. Opie was being a cunt about his breakup with I guess melinda(?) and poking fun at how ant needs a prom date and turning his mansion into a sorority house....patrice was arguing the opposite.

listen to the whole thing.

If I get the timeline right it explains a future argument with opie with the whole bam and his woman thing. Just listen to how down ant is in this; really fucking hating opies dumb pokes and jokes. Patrice as usual is spot on.

It was the dago news girl, whatever her name was.


Ant should cut his fucking hair, he does not look good.

Anthony's breakups with Jill Nicolini and Melissa resulted in some pretty entertaining fallout. I can only imagine what amazing shit this inevitable breakup will result in.

She'll take her copy of atlas shrugged, put it in her backpack and ride out on her atlas scooter.

He'll stay with her until the statute of limitations for statuary runs out.

The longer I look at it, the more unsettling it becomes.

Looking a little bit like Joe Piscopo in his old age

is this a joke?

Louis CK put out a special called Shameless, if Ant wanted to write an autobiography called that, Louis would have to let him.

All I see is a family and a guy in his late 20s wha?

A child in his 80's.

I thought his girlfriend was the older one and was like "what's so creepy about this photo?" and then...

Apology Dad should be ashamed of himself. Do you think Ant is paying for her NYU tuition?

No her Liberal Clinton administration working parents are.

Assuming she drinks at the compound like any other college student, does this put Keith's career in jeopardy since him and his wife are there on a regular basis?


This is why you want to be a millionaire MULTI-millionaire

Jesus. I liked Ant x10 over Jimmy and Opie.

That's just messed up. It's one thing to fuck girls in their early 20s when you're in your 50s, its another to fuck a girl who looks like she is in 10th grade. Mom and Dad have to be hurting, in more ways than money, to even pose for that picture.

That poor girls parents, jesus. I love Anthony but it's fucking creepy.

How did you get this picture?


who cares about anything about the show.. why are we even in this subreddit? lmao lets pretend that things arent interesting.

Filed under "Shit I don't care about".

so cool

My question is though, who took this picture?

I feel for the parents. They look like nice supportive people.

Jesus Christ. No wonder he always wears a hat.

By the look of the other daughter, dad's a cuck.

He literally is going as young as he can without getting arrested. I love him on the radio but this is really dysfunctional and sad. I'm sure the girl is convinced he likes her because she is really smart and mature, but he likes her for the exact opposite reason.

I imagine everyone focusing on the cat and his antics to avoid a real conversation about what the fuck is happening here.

I love the show but this picture and Jim seriously considering a mail order bride has led me to believe that Opie is the only normal person on the show

Ant is a millionaire if he's going young can't he do better than this?

Has the show addressed this picture lol

Does anyone know how they met?



That girl isn't worth the statrs that such relationship surely causes


I don't know, she's kinda cute.

Holy fuck ant is alpha as fuck to deal with that. Can you imigaine having a conversation with those people.

did you really use the term "alpha" to describe someone and with complete sincerity? you're so lame.

Dont cramp his style bro......dude......dudebro

The least thing on earth Ant is is alpha.

Does Ant seem like the kind of guy to you that has ever had a problem having a conversation with someone in his life?

He can talk his way in or out of anything.

no he's not.

If you where a multi millionaire what would you do.

Fuck better looking women

Personally I'd be a lot more Clooney than Cumia...

y do u act like being a millionaire is some crazy fantastical out of this world feat?

Whatever,good for him,he's into suicide girls and doesn't give a fuck.

Where is @opantxm ????

A lot of hypocrites here, given have the change 99% of all these high horse riders here will fuck that girl in a split second (i would) so i say good for Ant.

Ohw and for all these moralfags here yelling that Ant is a pedophile.... You really should read up on the subject cus you have no fucking clue of what you're talking about.

We all don't have shit taste in women like you do.

You're not a pedophile but a fucking huge mega virgin creep you are indeed.

Not into the Long Island Jewish/Italian girls like that.

Check out the virgin who is living vicariously through his pock marked hero

dude who would fuck that girl? I'm not a millionaire and I wouldn't brag about fucking that girl. Ant should definitely be doing a lot better than that and she looks like she's 15 btw

if you read this thread, assuming you can read since your writing/typing skills are not exactly up to par, you will find that most are horrified by the father in the photo, not Ant.

A hilarious millionaire with a great job who fucks a 19 year old...yeah what a fucking loser

I'm not sure anyone is calling him a loser but more or less its creepy as fuck. Her parents are Ant's age. That shit is just weird. Can you imagine meeting the parents for the first time and there old enough to be someone you could have went to high school with and now you're dating there high school aged daughter who he's been fucking since she was 16. Yeah dude put your fantasies away. Its creepy. She's not 19 either.

I remember his ex Melissa posted something that Anthony was eyeing a girl since she was 14. I've always assumed it was this chick.

Yeah its the same girl because there are pictures of apologygirl on the set of red eye and i'm pretty sure melissa said that's how she found out about her. if so then its definitely the same girl he had been eyeing since she was 14. I think melissa wrote a blog entry about it. i'm sure you can find it somewhere.

so he's been grooming this girl? that's beyond creepy. i wanna hear a guest or a caller call him out on this so bad.

Jesus Christ! So she's retarded too?

Yeah that's what I was referring to. It's funny how seemingly everyone is aware of it but NO ONE has a problem. Then again it's like his rampant racism and his underlying anti-semitism. They all know it's there, but meh, it's just Anthony so it's ok.


Jealousy initially makes some people want to immediately defensively react and say 'he's creeepy' but, come on, if you're a guy, you KNOW this is cool.

Why the fuck wouldn't you want to keep fucking attractive young women if you could?

You seriously look at that girl and think she's hotter than a grown woman?

She is a grown woman. She is an adult. Hotter than her mom over there. There is a huge jealousy factor going on here. Also lots of age prejudice. There's interracial prejudice, gay prejudice and now age.. Who cares if two people are different ages? Some people say he's creepy and there's others that say she's not hot enough. Which is it?

he's creepy because he is attracted to the youngest girls possible, and has stated on many occasions that if it were legal he would go younger. he doesn't want a hot girl, he wants a YOUNG girl. when was the last time you hung out with a high school girl? they're fucking dumb and annoying. he's a rich quasi-celebrity, it makes sense that he would date a woman who would be way out of his league otherwise, but instead he goes for a girl that is still in her awkward teen years. just look at that picture.

You said "attractive". I don't see one in that pic...

I think she is. So you don't mind the age difference, you just don't think she's pretty enough.

The age difference is disgusting.

With that said, she's your typical Long Island Jewtalian. Nothing special there. Every girl out there looks like that.

Disgusting huh? That's weird. She's fuckable on both fronts. She's probably really sexually aware too. A fun time. Who's looking to get locked down with some old bag like your wife?.... People with limited options, that's who.

Sorry, that was mean. All I'm saying is that anyone old enough to make their own decisions shouldn't have their relationship called disgusting. That's a real form of prejudice.

HAHA my wife is not an old bag, I had one that was an old bag and tossed her ass, she looks even worse now. LOL.

I don't think his relationship is disgusting. But the fact that he is old enough to be her father, and then some, is kinda gross.

I'm a young dude and that girl is not attractive. I'm 19 and I wouldn't even take that girl out in public she's goofy looking as hell my friends would trash me if they saw me with a girl like that. I don't think she's attractive at all and it has nothing to do with her age

K fine. This thread is divided then, between people who think she is too young for him, and people who think she isn't pretty enough. People sense the herd mentality on this one and posting easy negative comments

yeah and I'm not trashing Ant I actually don't have any problem with him dating younger girls I'm just offended that he doesn't do better than this girl. Like he's a millionaire so I feel like he could get such a hotter piece of ass this girl is below average

Why is the little sister half of a different race?

Shut the fuck up, Lady Trucker.


Tss yeah, shut your fawking mouth, ya big truckin' dyke!

I don't know, Miss Trucker, but I bet I could make a pretty reasonable guess.


This isn't the first time Ant has dipped in this family.

She's either adopted, or the mother was taking some thick Mexicana hog. Or it's their kid, I mean, her skin is three shades lighter than Ant's for Christ's sake.

of course I would. But not if I was a millionaire

"Do" and "Date long term and spend holidays with family" are two VERY different things.

Socially acceptable in the Club of Rome to fuck your kid up. The ruling class is all child on man love what do you expect? Where does he get his values from? The people in charge derp.

If you where a multi millionaire what would you do.

nigger. Type it or dont implie it you faggot.

Yeah its the same girl because there are pictures of apologygirl on the set of red eye and i'm pretty sure melissa said that's how she found out about her. if so then its definitely the same girl he had been eyeing since she was 14. I think melissa wrote a blog entry about it. i'm sure you can find it somewhere.

so cool


IMO its well there was way small nuclear device to include in conjunction with the design of the cuts in the steel I don't think thermite myself but the china syndrome suggests a small nuclear device due to the warped cars 5 miles away from the blast site suggests such. Building 7, the drills, the numerology, everything about it even Silverstein the building owner made a few bills off the insurance alone. Whole thing is sketchy.

He's blacker than she is.

I think she is. So you don't mind the age difference, you just don't think she's pretty enough.
