Do you guys have a favorite episode of Louie?

2  2014-02-06 by JMueller2012

Mine is Travel Day/South

That scene with him at the check-in gate kills me,

"Sir we're showing that your flight crashed."

"...Jesus... Well is everyone okay?"

"Everyone died... except one baby."


The one where Stanhope plays a disheveled suicidal comedian.

20 years of method acting finally paying off.

Love that episode. So depressing but real and with a lot of dark humor. TV needs more of that.

The one where his kid is playing violin and he gets mad. Or the ones about Late Show.

This is also one of my favorite scenes. It sums up Louie's bit about us enjoying the fantasy of doing the right thing selfishly and how much we over exaggerate the smallest selfish fantasy. I love it too because it speaks a lot about Louie. It's funny, bizarre, strangely moving, and relatable. Perfectly sums up the show.

I like the Robin Williams one with Big Jay in it. Also David Lynch in the late show episodes. I like most of them.

I forgot how good that two part episode with David Lynch was. I'm going to have to rematch it. What's the name/season of the one with Robin Williams and Big Jay? I'm drawing a blank trying to remember that episode.

I think it's season 3 Barney/Never

Thanks, Right after I typed I felt like an asshole and half expected *Twitter Voice "WHY DON'T YOU JUST GOOGLE IT!".

So the same episode when the kid shits the tub and throws his rug out of a window?

The first time I saw that episode, I felt I could smell the tub and my stomach turned.

Oh yeah, that's also the one with O&A&J and the radio show phoner.

Any episode with Bob Kelly

Not an episode, but my favorite scene is the comedians playing poker. If the show was just that, I'd tune in every week.

when poppy pees on his couch

the south is a great episode, i like the episodes with just him on the road, i could do without the episodes with him and the same kind of looking 40y/o brunette type or episodes with his kids/ kids schools.

i also liked the one where he visits his dad or the new years episode, those are the episodes that show his brilliance at writing comedy.

The Afghanistan episode

The one where the run-away asks Louie if he wants a blow-job.

Oh wait, wrong Louie show.

The one where he gets high with his neighbor. Also, the one where he illegally parks, then they smash his car. The motorcycle wreck was super cringe as well, I appreciated that a lot.

I think it's season 3 Barney/Never