Happy Anniversary to Lil Jimmy

4  2014-02-05 by oandasuperfan

27 years sober, one day at a time.


27 years ago he was a kid who got a little too drunk.


Please show some respect to Momma and apologize for that comment. Are you sober?

That's a pretty awful thing to say. You don't know Jimmy (neither do I), but it's just a good idea to take someone at their word when they say they are an addict. Don't you?

We all know 17-year-olds.

A little faggy emo kid in his teens drank too much and cut himself. Yeah no kid ever does that. I love yimmy but Jesus

Yeah I kinda agree with what Doug Stanhope was saying while they were debating AA. "You were 18.. you didn't even give your drinking a chance to hash itself out!"

Exactly what I'm thinking. Most people myself included drink like an asshole in your teens and then you figure yourself out. Now jimmy can't even fathom the thought of smoking a bowl without picturing himself going out like Hoffman.

Yeah... that's why it bugs me when he talks about addiction like an expert. People like Robert Downey Jr and Nikki Sixx were killing themselves with drugs and then pulled out of it. They know addiction. A kid getting hammered too much cause he feels like an outcast is just a kid being dumb. It doesn't mean that now that he is a mature adult if he drinks a beer within a few days he'll be mainlining heroin and running guns to Cuba. AA can kinda brainwash people who don't really need it into thinking they literally have no control. But if it works for him I guess it's all good.

Thats the only thing I could say against Jimmy. Like when he splits hairs it is because "there is a spiritual nature to his experience with AA". But when anyone else does it they are "just playing silly semantics games."

I get that some addicts shouldnt even entertain the idea that a joint wont kill them. But Jimmys sobriety can come off as militant at times.

Stanhope is a fucking asshole for saying things like that.

I think in the context of the conversation they were having it was a fair point. If Jim is gonna use himself as an example of a 12 step program working the legitimacy of his addiction is fair to question.

You do realize he was doing crack and trying to kill himself, right?


Lets not generalize the cutting part as "oh everyone does that".

So what age is the cutoff to know that you are a true out of control addict with drugs and alcohol? Do you have to be in your 20s? 30s? It doesn't take long for a bright person to realize that they just can't handle it like most people can and that it would lead them to absolute ruin. Jim's just one of those people. Colin Quinn got sober at 23. Is he a whiney little pussy to you people too? Did he drink long enough to qualify as a true addict? Unlike most of you 9-5 schlubs on here, Jim is an extraordinarily talented person. Big talent also often comes with big demons. Jim was smart enough to realize that at a young age. Because of that, he gives you all hours of laughter every week.

gay post

agree but the tough guy posts are even gayer

You're a whiny pussy for posting along with me in this subreddit, homo.

I respect Jimmy's choices I'm just posing the question of maybe at 17 you don't know how to do anything. Rather than believing you are powerless to an addiction that you will end up driving drunk and killing someone. Maybe you're a dumb young douche.

That maybe a lot of dumb kids myself included drink to excess and end up getting their stomaches pumped in the ER. Maybe a lot of kids cut themselves and believe they want to die. They think they are ugly, nobody accepts them and they don't know how to live. I'm not saying jimmy should turn in his nearly 30 years of sobriety an pick up a drink. I'm simply saying that maybe just maybe at 17 you are a fucking idiot and rather than believing taking a pill at 40 for pain, will make you turn into a psychotic running through the streets killing kids or whatever goes through that sweet boys head when he gets a prescription.

I respect jimmy and I respect anyone who fells they have an addiction and does the right thing and get help. I simply think that possibly maybe he was a bit young to think he was this crazed drinking machine rather than just a young douche.

Every day of sobriety is a new choice to stay sober. He might have started when he was young, but now he is a 50 year old man who still believes he is better off without drugs and alcohol.

I absolutely can't fathom how anyone could criticize a guy for sobriety.

Colin Quinn got sober at 23. Is he a whiney little pussy to you people too?

Yup. Clearly he should've drank for a few more years and gotten it out of his system, what a faggot

It's amazing he overcame 3 whole years of drinking.

you are an idiot. as is every other ignorant motherfucker talking shit about jimmy's choice to be sober.

Awww you're cute. I bet you have a great sob story on how you overcame the odds.

Here's to Jimmy who suffered through the heroic battle of getting a little too drunk in High School. I hope no kid ever has to experience this battle

Haha. That was fucking funny.

Am amazing story of survival.

someone in my life is addicted to heroine so it disgusts me when this little attention seeking faggot says that he had an addiction to alch at 18.

and ontop of that tries to say that his sex addiction isnt an addiction because it doesnt make him steal from old ladies.

jim is becoming such an insufferable ass, and stop whining about your criticism on this reddit, i mean you are an original "cellar comic" who can hang and get shit on without crying about it. he's so far away from that old jim norton.

havent listened today but i bet this "ME ME ME" shit head didnt talk during burrs phoner because lil jimmy isnt as successful.

Jimmy is "ME ME ME"?

Your first sentence is about some loser you know in your shitty life and how Jimmy affects YOU. God damn man, not even past the first sentence....

But he's talking about heroine. Won't someone think of the heroes?

He was doing crack and trying to kill himself. Even if he wasn't, who cares? If he thinks he is an addict, let him think that. How can you criticize someone for NOT drinking and taking drugs?

Ugh, enough with the "JIMMY WASN'T AN ADDICT!!" circlejerk in this subreddit already. Acting like you have to do a certain amount of drugs, or drink yourself stupid in public a certain amount of times, or ruin X number of friendships before you're officially an addict is a fucking stupid argument. It's Jimmy's body, his life, and his experiences which brought him to the conclusion that he had to stop and stay away from alcohol and drugs, so either take his word for it or don't, but to presume you somehow know better than him is just arrogant and cunty.

by your logic, we should be able to have sex with willing minors.




Dr. Phil always says "replace something with something." Glad to see Yimmy replaced the Natty Light with trannies and the HIV.

If Jimmy didn't get his shit together at the tender age of 17, he could have ended up like Capote.

A massively successful, respected, and wealthy character actor?

Pro's and Con's.

A massive queer?

By the Grace of God.

Call me a silly goose but I think only an addict himself can really know how a substance is influencing him mentally. you don't have to reach rock bottom to distinguish that alcohol is controlling you and you're dependent on it.

No no, everyone here drank a lot in high school so they're experts (meaning, they are no longer perts).

Having struggled with addiction issues myself, he is a massive positive voice out there, with the amount I listen to the show his insight has helped me progress tremendously..

Stop. Just stop.

I'm amazed at the opinion on here that one can't recognize that they're an alcoholic/addict at 18...

I have been arrested numerous times, been to rehab 4 times, lost my license, been beaten up, scammed, and financially broken by my substance abuse and I'm 23...

There's absolutely a common misconception that this sort of issue can't be recognized in early age, but that's mainly because the majority of these individuals don't recover until their shot at success is long gone and they've aged themselves literally and through drugs use..

Now, I'm 23, I'm not sober, and I'm addicted to [Alcohol, Cocaine, Xanax, Weed.. etc] but Jimmy's story and his consistent logical voice involving this issue has helped me realize my problem and have the motivation at 23, which is way younger than most people to get help and way sooner than I would have myself.

To say Jimmy was merely just a young kid who prematurely jumped the gun on his realization of addiction is fucking ignorant. He was slashing his wrists over girls, drinking inside a rehab center, calling the FBI, and threatening to stab someone because they didn't shake his hand properly.

If you don't have this problem, I'm very happy for you, but Don't speak of what you don't know and if you do Jimmy is a great example of someone who would've gotten a lot worse....



I'm guessing none of you will call up the show to challenge Jimmy on this - civilly, mind you. It's not hard to get past the phone screeners

I feel like I've heard him address this point before, or heard another comic tease him about it.

Some of these responses are hilarious, can someone tweet him some?

I'll bet he will retweet it or at the very least, you'll get roasted which will be funny as well.

You guys all have somethin' shitty to say because he got sober before he could fuck up his young-adulthood, but I'm happy for him.

the problem is he talks like he was a raging drunk for decades.

True, but who says you have to be fucked up for decades to hit your bottom?

agree but the tough guy posts are even gayer