It's like they're writing headlines just to troll O, A and J and the fans

14  2014-02-04 by shaqfan99


I never loved his stand-up but between him making Bawby feel bad, his web series, and saying reasonable shit like this, he's really grown on me.

yeah they made him seem like a prick, but he just seems to llike to do his own thing and is only a prick to people who deserve it.

Good for Jerry standing up for talent over political correctness! He has a lot of power with his status among comedians and comedy writers, it's great to see someone with a big name stand up (no pun intended) for common sense. I'm way too excited about this haha

Well, it was pure linkbait from them, and it has worked.

I'd love to see a breakdown of the author's facebook friends set along racial, religious and sexual lines.....and then a big stink about "why his life is not diverse enough".

That's exactly it.

They just want attention, and they know calling someone an *ist is the easiest way to get it.

I'm beginning to think (well, wishing maybe) that all this crying wolf*ist is going to have some serious backlash.

This would be ideal. I think it already has inadvertent negative repercussions, in terms of strengthening the divide between liberals and the rest of society.

Really, since this is all clickbait, the ideal result would be getting a group together to threaten boycotts of their advertisers (like PAC but... well, not like PAC).

I would consider myself "liberal" and I HATE this diversity nonsense. Here in NYC the fucking mayor wants to lower the bar for the 'specialized high school' tests because it doesnt reflect the cities "diversity". Pisses me the fuck off because I went to Bronx Science. I grew up poor as shit (born to a single mom with 2 kids and I can do it......oh but Im not "diverse", so forget it.) Matter of fact, I am proud as shit of that. Im sure when Neil degrasse Tyson went there the test must have been made easier for him, right?

I ask : Why not put bricks on every black NBA players shoes to ensure the NBA becomes more diverse ?

Really, I blame the 24 hour news cycle in conjunction with the need to create "original content" for news sites just to fill space. In the end, its just turning America into a big game of 'shirts vs. skins' while real shit gets swept under the rug.

It already has.

Whenever a legitimate racial attack is committed, it's quickly forgotten because it's not a contentious issue.

When the KKK drags someone to death behind a truck, everyone agrees it's fucking disgusting.

When a group of black soldiers rape and murder their CO and his wife and paint white power slogans on the wall, everyone agrees it's horrific.

When a black kid beats the shit out of a half white mexican and gets shot in self-defense while doing it.... that's one where you'll have massive disagreements and outrage. You can feed everyone disinformation and half truths and everyone will continue to argue over it and hold vigils on both sides.

We don't live in a society where we celebrate what unites everyone, we focus on our differences.

How come every fucking time we see a skew, we jump to fucking racism/sexism.

These are the type of people that really make me understand why Ant seems so obsessive. 50% of his vitriol is a response to dipshits like this.

The people complaining about Seinfeld saying this are the same useless people in /r/ShitRedditSays

Why isn't Tyler Perry featuring more white people/white comedy in his Madea movies? It isn't because he's a racist. It's because (much the way that Jerry is doing) he is presenting comedy for his target audience. Tyler Perry's movies are geared towards black people so he is making comedy that is relatable to them. Seinfeld knows that the majority of people tuning in to his programs are white middle-aged men, and he is giving comedy that they can relate to. Or maybe the "Vagina Monologues" should be a little more geared towards a male audience so as not to discriminate?

Im trying to see the issue with what Jerry said.

This is the paternalistic white guilt that that schlub Jimmy Nordon talks about.


I can't see how this guy actually believes this. It's gotta be linkbaiting/trolling people for views. Its not like people see gawker as a legit news source more than buzzfeed or radaronline, and arent those banned on /r/news and other news aggregator sites, so only dumbasses who read gawker will see this?

look at the posters on /r/ShitRedditSays ... these people are real, and really believe the crap they spew.

/r/ShitRedditSays are a bunch of trolls, you rube. You people who insert them into every conversation as a stand-in for social justice shit are only proving how good they are at getting under Reddit's collective skin, which has been their goal from the beginning. SRS was started by SomethingAwful, for fuck's sake. It's not a real social justice movement. Jesus.

and yet they get away with brigading...

Okay? How does that refute anything I just told you? Talk about a non-sequitur...

That they are a bunch of assholes who get their panties in a twist and complain to the admins when they get downvoted.... Yet they do the same thing under the guise of "trolling"

Lol okay champ. Keep letting a bunch of pretend-feminazis troll you.

It's not trolling if you cry to an admin and get people shadowbanned.

That's sand in your vagina.

Getting people banned is the epitome of trolling, you dolt. Honestly, it's like this is your first day on the internet or something.


Most of the people in SRS are feminists/social justice types, yes. However. SRS is literally the feminist equivalent of /r/circlejerk.

Think of it like how O&A play up their actual opinions and personalities for the radio. The difference between /r/ShitRedditSays and the actual discussion-oriented Fempire subs is vast. Anyone who compares them will see that /r/ShitRedditSays is in no way "100% serious." It's a self-admitted circlejerk full of people who absolutely relish the exaggerated image they've cultivated with the rest of Reddit. If you really dig deep into their sidebar and wikis, you'll get a sense of just how intentionally over the top they are.

It's a bunch of run-of-the-mill feminists pretending to be misandrist feminazis because they know it annoys Reddit.

This guy is a dope "Jerry Seinfeld, the most successful comedian in the world and maker of comedy for and about white people, isn't interested in trying to include non-white anything in his work."

He also said he's not interested in including everything white in his work. He just wants funny

anyone who studies jerry knows funny comes first. George Wallace is his best friend.... even best man at his wedding. I've made the same comment on the gawker article to get met with:

You do realize, of course, that you just typed up the online version of the "Some of my best friends are black" classic racist's defense,........and in defense of Seinfield against racism, right?

I actually was mentioning it because the author of the article was literally keeping score on the races of his comediansincarsgettingcoffee guests....and Wallace hasn't even been on yet.


wow that article just made my blood boil. I clicked to comment and then just said fuck it. What an asshole.

I stopped reading after Seinfelds quote. No more info needed.

I personally would like to see an episode of Comedians in Cars with Richard Prior.

Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Mitch Hedburg, and Joe DeRosa all at once.

Joe's still dead, right?

I'm glad we had some hack minimum wage tabloid writer explain what Jerry Seinfeld meant, because if I had just listened to Jerry I might have assumed he said something reasonable.

They are the Opies of internet media.


This right here is absolute shit:

Which is too bad, because Seinfeld is downplaying the work of everyone from Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby to Aziz Ansari, Mindy Kaling, and Eddie Huang, who are all in various stages of their own sitcoms that just might turn out to be the next Seinfeld.

Fuck this guy for even coming up with that bullshit line.

you don't agree that the new sitcom richard pryor is working on might turn out to be the next seinfeld?

He and Patrice are working on a collaborative jaw-dropping project together.

What a shit article.

I apologize for even falling for their linkbait, but maybe O and A could invite this writer on their show... and molest him.

Next time make a screen shot, upload it to imgur and link that.


"Funny is the world that I live in. You're funny, I'm interested. You're not funny, I'm not interested," he said. "I have no interest in gender or race or anything like that." He seems to suggest that any comedian who is not a white male is also not funny, though he's also likely fed up with the amount of bad comedy he's been forced to sit through in his (waning) career.

How the fuck do you make this jump?

"I don't look at a persons race or gender when deciding if they are funny" = "non-whites aren't funny".


ITT: Nobodies allowing nobody journalist to rattle them



Wow. they completely missed Seinfeld's point.

Funny is funny.

Also this:

Which is too bad, because Seinfeld is downplaying the work of everyone from Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby to Aziz Ansari, Mindy Kaling, and Eddie Huang, who are all in various stages of their own sitcoms that just might turn out to be the next Seinfeld.

"Richard Pryor ... who are all in various stages of their own sitcoms that just might turn out to be the next Seinfeld."


I like the fact the journo thinks Seinfelds career is "waning". If he knew anything he'd realise that any network boss would easily sign up to be Jerry's lifelong sloppy party bottom for just a 2 episode sitcom with Seinfeld in to be made for their channel.

The positive thing I take out of this is that the VAST majority of comments, even from Gawker's regular commenters, are negative.

Well, it is Gawker... the "Reddit is full if rape and pedos, but here's some cool things that we found on Reddit" website.

The same place that is nothing but a giant tax dodge while complaining about companies that dodge taxes.

It's a non story and he got you to click dumb fuck.

They'll get mad at this and not even think twice about half the shit Fox News spews.



Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Mitch Hedburg, and Joe DeRosa all at once.

Joe's still dead, right?