Jimmy and Colin keep asking to reschedule the Super Show, Sam keeps saying we can't.

5  2014-02-04 by Scoop216

Has anyone noticed this? Jimmy has asked several times, along with Colin, and Sam has said "we have sponsors we cant". WTF is this? Colin and Jimmy are the best at toying with Bobo, Di, ect. The Super Show will be brought down by there absence. They should def reschedule, and OP or Ant should make the staff comply...EDIT: They addressed it on Tuesdays show during the Colin call saying it was indeed sponsors. I would be upset but Opie said we will just have another Super Show soon that everyone can attend. Yay! ( Colin was great during the call BTW)


I'm assuming it's because it's a Steven Singer promotion tied into Valentines Day. THat's probably how they sold the bit to him.

Did sam write this and delete it? This seems like the only logical reason.

doubt it.

That jerry curled half-nigger can't even google properly on the show, how could he master Reddit?



Seriously. Everyone knows it's "Jheri curl"

It's a quanspiracy

Yeah I don't get why they can't change it. I noticed the same thing. But unlike u psychos I don't break it down to a Sam master evil genius conspiracy


Yeah, except that that was hilarious.

Whats funnier than Sandy Kane horrifying some unsuspecting radio show with tales of her infected vagina?

I was just thinking how that was my hands down favorite moment of the entire year. The poor nice lady getting sandy Kane and stalker patti'd

Are you fucking kidding? That was the best part! What's wrong with you?

I'd rather Colin have an appearance that doesn't involve Lady Di or Bobo.

They bring those freaks on when Colin is there because he loves them. Same when he is on Stern they will have a wackpacker on or Colin will reference one every other word.

What the fuck sponsors? Jerkofftoys.com or pro flowers? Sponsers that every momo with a podcast has?

highly upset that Jerkofftoys.com isn't a functioning website.

I agree this could have been explained better, but the real issue is Marion - she's only off that day, and apparently can't take off a the time. She's also about to leave for a cruise for her 50th birthday.

CQ has to be there.

Wait. It's quite possible that I'm misinterpreting this, but are you really questioning how sponsorship would affect a show?

Sure, you can hope for Colin and Norton "toying with" whoever you want, but when someone's paying to sponsor the time, the money is going to trump your hope every time.

are you really questioning how sponsorship would affect a show?

It's just more proof that a good chunk of O&A fans on this sub are bobo-level retards, probably even worse.

I'm alright with it, I think it'll be more interesting seeing Opie and Ant trying to deal with a room full of retards on their own with no help from Jimmy and Colin. Plus if they do these "super shows" often enough it's gonna end up being the same shit over and over again if they have the same guests in studio every time.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

Bitch bitch

This isn't a conspiracy started by Sam to get more mic time, stop being such a faggot.


its Opies fault. obv.

It's cause Sam is a useless talentless hack who can't produce behind the scene either.


even if its not Sams fault, why the fuck does he make the decision

If it's not his fault, then he didn't make the decision.

Considering Sam is a producer, he's probably more aware of the scheduling and business side of the situation and was just informing the boys of what was going on.

I don't see why Sam would be making the decision. Isn't he probably just relaying the message?

Because hes the one who probably gets the sponsorships. Do you think Opie is calling these people? Or do you think the sponsors are calling them demanding they get their name on the billboard with Lady Di and The Naked Cowgirl. They have commitments and obligations to people who are giving them money. I'm sure contacts have been signed.

Sam is a producer; he is not the one calling sponsors. That is what the sales team is for. I'm sure, in this case, it's A-rock since she is the one with the Steven Singer account.

Alright, thanks for clarification. What I said still stands though. They took money for this one, so there is no rescheduling. Sam reminding them of the date is the same thing as when they would ask for troy and he would go "no no no"

Do you actually think Sam is trying to stop Troy from talking? You can't tell he's just playing along with a bit?

That's exactly what I'm saying. They're all playing their part and people on here are askiing why sam is calling the shots. Christ.

I don't know probably, I'm just going by what I've heard on the air about The Super Show 2. Whoever's decision it is, I think we can all agree its a mistake to leave out Colin and Jim.