Opie is so "edgy"...

0  2014-02-03 by pootsforever


He most likely spent 15 minutes trying to come up with this gem.



What do you expect from “the psycho“



I'd trust @PaulWalker to drive the ball up the field more than I trust Peyton tonight! #toosoon #noticeme

what.a.cock. his tweets are up there with Jason alexander

Not untrue though.

I just went and looked through his tweets for awhile.

Holy shit. Opie sucks even more than I originally thought. It's actually unbelievable how bad he is.

Remember.. this is the only reason Opie became famous and he has nothing left. He has to hang-in there.



"Happy Super Bowl Sunday - I'm hearing they're gonna set Bruno Mars hair on fire at halftime! #sweet"

chip, is that you?

I don't know why Opie is compared to Chip so often. Chip has more legitimately funny lines than the Opester. The whole Nazi/"Not-see" thing about having glasses, for example, is more clever, funnier, and delivered better than any line of Opie's I can think of.

With plenty of hashtags so somebody might notice it and get outraged.

Fucken homerun


Bruno Mars seems very mysterious.

No, he's just Hawaiian.

Or Samoan, possibly Spanish.

and Jewish.

Is either a queeb or a quay, maybe a Mo.

The internet is a thing.

Can we officially call this sub the "I hate Opie club". No wonder the boys all hate you. You guys are even worse than the 3 people who still hang out at Wackbag...

Everybody takes their turn in the barrel around here. The Opster just pulls a lot of double shifts.