Roland yelling at Rich Vos

13  2014-01-31 by JoeyTheZa


Doesn't Roland know that Vos wrote for the Oscars?!?

I hate how they talk a big game about Roland, STOPPPPP ALREADY

Roland was only floating because O&A were pumping him up. Until that last line. Then he hit em with a mean one bruh

Roland stinks and the boys gave him so much leeway.

"The only tan Jew in the world" apparently Roland has never heard of Israel.

If you put it on a wrapper I'm sure he will.

ohh god those comments are giving me douche chills, "omg vos got destroyed" no he didnt, since when were personal jabs ever accepted in an argument, anyone who does that shit is a fucking asshole.

"your fat"

"your mom died of cancer and now your alone"

how is that destroying someone? its just as manly as squeezing a guys nutsack in a fit fight, but this doesnt effect people like vos because he's not in fear of dropping dead because of his weight, fuck roland all he needs to do is not be a dick and life would be easier.

That was awesome.

I know you guys all love Roland clips.

jesus hes skinny in that pic

i think much can be gleamed from the fact that as his on-air personality has declined, his weight has steadily increased. thats pretty sad actually.

PS- that was still a damn good trashing he gave vos. you cant not like vos getting trashed.

Can we just address the real worst part of this video: Mike Birbiglia cackling in the background