Good week for the show

92  2014-01-30 by alexgough12

Penn, Louie, Florentine, Colin, and Ricky Gervais in tomorrow. Great lineup this week.


Holy shit a positive post about the show. And it has up votes. Something isn't right here.

Just so this post isn't overrun by people hating Florentine, I agree, it was a great week. Colin in today was hilarious. Lady Di is in need of a good bludgeoning though. That call this morning had my skin crawling. Picturing that fat, drunk slob living for months and months with bed bugs all over the fucking house. Disgusting. Also - 7 beers by 10:30??? wtf

I like Florentine, but I find it a little funny that a guy who got big by doing retarded-voice crank calls, only seems to want to talk about getting blown, sports, and 80's metal, spends so much time calling other people immature for liking chocolate. He's a 15 year old curmudgeon.

he also likes to leave floaters in the bathroom

Florentine has stayed in shape for a long time in a profession where that's rare. The dude probably pays a ton of attention to his diet and went on the "dessert is for children" rant to deflect preemptively.

His bit about putting puke and shit pics on the grocery store peg board was hilarious. Just imagine a fat soccer mom having an impromptu PTA meeting at the Safeway only to find a Florentine blossom on display.

I doubt I'll ever have issues with him. All of his stories are hilarious and told in perfect parlance.

I mean she gets up by 6 and has 16 beers, she has to be asleep by 1pm. She might be up 7 hours a day.

No, no, I haven't had 16 beers, no...

You've had like a million beers today though, right?

Have I had a million beers? No i haven't had a million beers this morning.


Do they hate Florentine, or are they not sports guys?


Maybe that's it. I think he's fuckin funny. When he was telling the story about posting the picture of him projectile vomiting on the cork board in the grocery store, I was crying laughing so hard in my car. That shit was hilarious.

Fawk yeah!

I think Florentine is mysterious. And his opinion on everything is predictable. Not to mention that his sports takes are pretty much all horrible.

Yeah he's a ESPN viewer for sure.

I agree; Florentine is pretty well-informed on sports (better than any of the regulars save Burr), but he doesn't exactly give great insight - it's just regurgitated talking head points. His fantasy football take is simplistic (for the record, I don't play, but it doesn't mean you're "not a fan of the sport" if you happen to play, especially if you prioritize your rooting interest team over fantasy).

FWIW, I don't want to come off harsh, because I like Florentine/he's a funny guy, but the dismissiveness/authoritative opinions without a real basis for them bugged me.

I agree. He's funny and compared to Opie Anthony and Jim he's a sports encyclopedia.

I'm just glad he isn't all balls deep for Marino. Great QB that never won the big one. Got there early in his career and was a big stat guy. He properly states his stat sheet greatness without comparing him to the truly great QBs: Montana, Brady, & Plunkett.

If you don't think Plunkett is among the all-time best you can go and fuck yourself twice.

Isn't Rogan in tomorrow aswell?

At some point last week Jimmy said Bruce Buffer as well?

Oh man I hope he takes Tom Segura with him. Dude is hilarious.

Tom Segura added nothing to the show and all of his JRE appearances stink. They are immediate 'played' and 'delete' shows.

Why would you save them any way? Are they that fucking precious to you? You fucking know nothing twat.

Look at the heavy hitters he was with in that fucking studio. Opie could barely get a fucking word in.

Crawl back under that bridge you came out from you sad little piece of shit and go fuck yourself.

Aww, thanks for taking the time to write that. It means so much to me to know you care.

Guys... Fantasy Football is about honor and pride! C'mon!

It has been a great week!

It has been a tremendous week, really great guests and funny breaks.

The show was awesome this week but my favorite part was the calling out of Larry on the Preshow, hate that guy.

I wonder why Jay Mohrs didn't stop by

He's more of a Ron and Fez guy..

This "Opie and Anthony" thing is a pretty decent radio show, for my money!


See what happens when the show booker does his fucking job?

I loved when my pops voice came out of the box alot.

Florentine is fucking overrated. His entire shtick is sports, metal, ranting about fantasy football and getting blown. We get it dude, you are angry, go away.

Fuck you, Florentine rules.

If you're gonna listen to a show as harsh as O and A, gotta be able to laugh at yourself man.

It's not that harsh. After you've listened awhile (+- 15 yrs) the "harsh" and "edgy" stuff just seems played.

I hear you on that, but look at the collective attitude of the fanbase. If this isn't the picture of desensitization I don't know what is.

Bobo is the perfect representation of the fan base.

What the fuck are you talking about? He was a comedian that wasn't saying anything funny. Also, it was nice of Anthony to call out fantasy football players as dungeons and dragons nerds, didn't get play Everquest?

No, the problem is you are fine with them making fun of things you don't like, but when you are the target you get offended. Don't take yourself so seriously, it's a comedy show

I kind of agree. It sounds like a 7th grader insulting people. Men don't eat chocolate or dessert? Damn dude you're crazy!

I agree. He fucking stinks. I'm usually not negative but I can't stand that guys act. Also, the Lady Di shit with Colin may have run its course. He's the funniest comedian alive and they are wasting his appearances on that drunk jersey trash bag. He wasn't even really interacting with her today until the end when she got all flirty.

I agree, but its probably because I've never been into any of the O&A "freaks".

I'm sorry, instead of down voting I'm just curious, was I shit on because of my negativity towards Florontine or Colin/Lady Di. You guys still like the Colin/Di shit?

I didn't downvote you, but I can tell you I'm still completely in love with anything and everything related to Lady Di.

I understand that. I just dont know why there isn't a discussion instead of blind downvotes.

Lol an o&a fan bitching about someone being to angry.... Oh the irony!

Does Ricky Gervais have any kids? I just want to have a finger close to the mute button when Opie decides it's time to relate to the guest by bringing up raising kids again for twenty minutes. I don't think it would be such a problem for me if he didn't promise to not bore the listeners with talking about his kids a few years back (before wifey gave birth).

You're a waste of a good user name. Bring every comment back to the boat movie.

It's a stupid user name that I am too lazy to change. Jump out of one and drown.

I'd see that boat movie.

He only brought it up to louis this week who basically called him out for sending his kid to some bullshit hyper expensive private school which was funny and the conversation was interesting.

It was hardly calling out. It was funny dialogue

Bobo is the perfect representation of the fan base.