Today Louis CK told Anthony that someday his reckless road antics will end him in prison. Question: have any other regulars served time in the clink?

0  2014-01-28 by Ghost_Of_Patrice

Answer: Yes. I did. I was convicted of raping a woman. (Look it up)


I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting the feeling that this guy doesn't like Patrice very much.

Yea if you look at the past posts, I would say you are correct.

Who doesn't love patrice? He must be a female.

Who the fuck says "a female"?

Oh right. Neckbeards.

I didn't wanna say bitch and it not be obvious I was talking about an actual girl. Who the fuck says neckbeards?

Ugh just looked at the posts you make on reddit.

I never thought I'd ever hate an /r/opieandanthony user more than I hate /u/opiesucks.

Chippy D served 3 years on a tax fraud case. They never did find all the bodies; the Italian Ice Guy doesn't leave a trace.

I laughed. But I can't up vote because I believe your intention was to be malicious towards our favorite dead guy.

Patrice did he talked about it on the show years ago

Who doesn't love patrice? He must be a female.