Opie has a trait similar to one of Lady Di's that he often makes fun of her for...

18  2014-01-27 by [deleted]

This isn't a hater post about Opie, just an observation:

Whenever Lady Di is in studio she tends to turn any discussion back on herself. For instance - if Stalker Patty is in Studio getting all the attention yapping about coffee, Lady Di will butt-in with some stupid story about her favorite kind of coffee.

Opie tends to bring attention to himself whenever there's a subject about cleanliness or toughness being covered. The whole cruise ship story today about sanitary issues had opie bringing the story back to him. How he doesn't bathe while on trips, how he shits himself sometimes, etc. etc. I actually noticed the conversational flow take a hit because he'd interject with lines like "oh I do that" or "oh that's no big deal." Anthony really didn't take the bait, but Sam would toss him a bone asking for more details.

In short, Opie will hijack and derail conversations on occasion much like Di. Also, I'm a fag.



HOLD ON!!!! HOLD ON!!!!!


Something something over the week end.


DAMN it!

I don't blame Opie for yelling "pause"(it annoys me too, especially when he says it 3 times), I blame Sam or the producer on the mouse for being slow.

Living in the Boston area I occasionally listen to Toucher and Rich while the boys are on a break. Toucher and Rich are either the ones with the finger on the mouse or just have an on the ball producer. It could have to do with the strict commercial structure that keeps them on their toes, so there are pluses and minuses for this outcome.

T&R are great. If it's not both of them, it's probably Rich. Adolfo is not anywhere near "on the ball".

yeah toucher seems like the ron bennington roll out of bed guy, seems like it would be rich, thats another great half sports talk show like davey mac does.

"As a fatherrrrr."

Sam is a shit stirrer, he knows what he's doing

I don't know how to explain it but he does this thing where he acts like he doesn't know who someone is and starts calling them by a different name. It seems phony.

The second anybody on the shows mentions mothers I tap out because you just know the next 15 minutes is going to be Opie rehashing the same tired shit about how his one is/was shit.

I enjoy it when Opie goes off about his mom's insanity and his Dad's efforts to deal w/ it. He comes off as very honest when he's talking about that stuff. The only bad part is that it's usually not as funny as when Ant talks about his fucked up family.

He's always got to be PART OF SOMETHING they are talking about even though its obviously not true.

No shit. He's always adding on that he's seen or heard about something that he very obviously hasn't or has the loosest connection to. I love Opie, but man, there is a big difference in being like "Oh, I think I've heard of that" and pretending like you've heard of it a long time ago and it's old news to you, but you have zero details or input beyond that. We all have that friend, and I know a guy who acts JUST like Opie, so I'm aware of what his personality type is like in person. It gets kind of old.

Captain Opie, steers the show into icebergs.

He was suspiciously quiet during the gynecomastia discussion though.

I've posted about it before, but my favorite example is this common exchange:

Guest: "mentally ill people make everything about themselves" Opie: "ugh. I have one of those in MY family"

Yeah he's a bit narcissistic, who isn't in some ways? Add that he is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE with a HUGE radio show with MILLIONS of listeners? After all, he's been doing radio since he was EIGHTEEN, he's paid his dues. Gregg OPIE Hughes is UNTOUCHABLE, and if he wants to tell a story about himself because he knows GOOD RADIO then you better SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I see what you did there

It's only because he's not that funny. If Opie were hilarious no one would mind him always bringing it back to him.

Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Over and over, repeatedly on purpose.

on purpose

That's the best part. Look at how riled up people are.

So he annoys his audience purposely? Whatevs. He's way too narcissistic. AAAAIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDSSSSSSS!!!

Like Norton doesn't talk about himself? He does it constantly. I'm a fag.

He's awful. The worst is when he says something totally out of line and rude to someone and sits there all proud of himself. Then he'll bring it up later and brag about how fearless and hilarious he is.

He's always saying that he loves feeling uncomfortable like that isn't completely psychotic.

I always thought that's part of the show. Opie doesn't care about making himself look like an idiot and be annoying to stretch out a segment and keep people tuned in so as to finally listen to the end of whatever story is being told.

It's just hard to tell when he's acting like an idiot or when he's actually being an idiot without him realizing it. Loveyamissya.

It's called "participating in a conversation."

It's kinda how you do a radio show. You have to talk.


wait wait hold on- let me break it down for you...

Exactly. They can't just read an article and play a news clip about the cruise ship and move on to the next topic.

If they are talking about a high-profile shitty concert, they're going to bring up other times they were at similar shitty concerts.

If a TV show ends and people are talking about how disappointing the ending was, you're going to talk about other shows that you thought were great and were ultimately disappointed in.

If they're talking about women on the radio and Louis CK is in studio, he's going to tell a story about an experience he had with a female DJ.

This is not an Opie thing. It's what you're supposed to do not only on the radio, but in normal conversation.

When I was alive, I did this almost constantly. I would butt into the conversation and make everything about me and my stupid ghetto philosophies.

And there was also the part where it was fuckin hilarious and the majority of listeners absolutely loved it.


Are you going for a record number of downvotes? You might have to compete with /u/opiesucks.

bring it!

I'm torn, I don't know whether to upvote or downvote. Damn you opiesucks! Damn you straight to hell.

Ok, so I've seen a number of your comments and I have some trolling advice for you. If you want to be a good troller you need to get at some nasty bit of truth that no one wants to hear and then you have to make them feel embarrassed for ignoring or not seeing it, you can't just make stuff up or talk about what you personally don't like.

Making things up to insult comes across as though you've just got nothing to say, and talking about things that you personally don't like just makes you sound like a malcontent whiner (I actually thought you were jealous of Patrice for a while). Either way it makes you look ineffectual and well, to use an overused expression, lame.

People are only downvoting you in order to get you out of their way, the same way that one might shove a retard that's blocking a doorway, not because they're infuriated with you.

Yeah, I know that a lot of people love Patrice and so he's a good target to get people pissed off with, but you can't just rely on the target without putting any effort into your material.

Also, drop that "When I was alive" opener. It's unnecessary and it's really getting tired.

I cant believe you just wrote this much to advise a troll.

I was testing out a new keyboard.

But to compensate you for the inconvenience here's his favorite (NSFW) website: http://www.veinywoman.com/page1/

I'm torn, I don't know whether to upvote or downvote. Damn you opiesucks! Damn you straight to hell.