Anthony used to smoke freebase

11  2014-01-26 by youfuckmymother


I love Anthony, but:

Life Choice Anthony Trayvon
Smoked Pot x x
Smoked Freebase x
Dropped Out of High School x
Took Pictures of Guns x x
Went Piggin' x x
Engaged in Homosexual Activity in a Treehouse *
Unsuccessful attempt to kill security guard x
  • uncomfirmed

To be fair, Trayvon didn't get the chance to drop out of high school, so that could've gone either way.

Did Trayvon take a picture of himself holding 100s? Because Ant sure did on his cruise.

Yeah I saw this a while ago. He really does have a fun life.


u forgot "tried to kill security guard" under trayvon column.


Kill or shit kick? ur a pussy...I can tell.

"i'm going to kill you, cracker"... yeah, tried to kill, and even made it a racist hate crime. furthermore, had his little nigger goody bag full of ingredients for making "purple drank" a favorite among welfare recipients... the only pussy is you faggot

Minus "Unsuccessful attempt to kill security guard" you could really compare Anthony to any "ghetto" black guy (or white/brown/yellow guy for that matter).

That's a bit condescending. Oh noes he smoked teh potz. You never drank whisky or vodka? They're much worse.

Yes, we've all smoke(d) pot, we all dri(a)nk, we understand pot = good, alcohol = bad. I listed it because the Lib media actively ignored it as a way to convince everyone he was just an innocent chile.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Both are good.

He's a shitty person, no doubting that. He's a racist babysnatcher, buuut the things in your list never hurt anyone apart from himself.

the things in your list never hurt anyone apart from himself.

Yes, but that's not the point.

There was a discussion on this sub a while ago about trying to extrapolate Trayvon's life and compare it to Anthony's current life because he keeps ranting about how he did all the right things to become successful whereas thugs like Trayvon did not. The point is to show the similarities between both their childhood/young adult choices to imply that Anthony's logic is full of shit.

Oh, missed that one. Yeah in that context Ant was a pretty bad person, Trayvon was a wannabe thug but not an actual one.

I'm a middle class white guy and I did way worse shit at school... Started fires in the woods, smoked weed and sold a bit of it at school etc etc I don't think that warrants a death sentence.

I don't think that warrants a death sentence

??? No one's implying it did.

The people who think Zimmerman didn't do anything wrong did. "Trayvon was a thug and deserved it." etc

No they don't. Just because I support someone's right to defend themselves doesn't mean I believe the attacker deserves to die. Explain what Z. did that was wrong.

Ah, he grew up in the 80s. Long Island in the 80s. Id be more wierded out if he never freebased. Im looking at you, Opie.

It explains the shitty teeth.

Anthony was well underway to becoming Suffolk county trash.

He hit the white trash jackpot.

"Smoke crack freebase with me Jordan Ant!"

Let's run!!

Don't forget he has mentioned numerous times how they used to sell coke/freebase. I'm sure it was just so they could use but he has told stories about how people would show up with jugs of pennies to pay for stuff.

Jimmy used to go into the projects and buy crack cocaine when he was 15.

Hey man jimmy went through some tough times. Most alcoholics struggle for decades but lil jimmy did it all and came through the other side by the tender age of 17, thats alot to do before you leave high school.

lol yeah I find it hard to believe that Jimmy was an alcoholic at that age because my dad drinks everyday and from the ages 15 to 18 I drank copious amounts of alcohol almost every other day just sitting around getting drunk

You miss the part about how his dad was a drunk, how he couldn't moderate, all the bad decisions he made, and then the suicide attempt. I think that's a little worse than your standard drunk.

Silly, don't you know that anecdotal evidence is an acceptable substitute for the experience of others?

Tsss yeah guys dis cocksucka loves ta get FAWWWKIN ZOOTED! Fawkin' hahd-core.

Super Bowl bubblegum holder.

Most of the time I cringe when I hear drug talk on o&a but this was surprisingly accurate.


Smoke freebase? Freebasing is a method of inhaling crushed pills or crack. It isn't something you can smoke.

Freebase cocaine is vaporized, technically, but most people still use the word "smoke."

I never really heard it described that way. I typically hear freebase used as a verb rather than as a noun but I guess it could go either way.

Yeah, it's usually a verb, but if you were get cocaine that was purified that way, it would be "freebase cocaine".


My buddy used to inject mainline. Nasty stuff.

Mainline?Pfft thats nothing, I seen a guy full throtle two mainlines of the hardest doosys followed by a chaser of not one but TWO of klninkiest of shlinks this side of digiphlynxus.

ant never smoked freebase you fucking idiots, it was so obvious he was lying when he was telling the story.

he's like the kid who said they did meth in middle school

That's retarded a guy who was partying in the 80's doing coke never sucked on the glass dick ? Anthony isn't the type to make up stories like this. His brother even called in and talked about it also. How they would sell it and how they smoked it with his mom and sal on a boat. It was the 80's people were doing coke and smoking base. It's not that unbelievable.

Wait, what? He actually did drugs with his mum?

Yes he has told stories of freebasing with his mom and Stepdad Sal. It was the 80's

When I was alive, I smoked crack. Because I was a stupid nig with no respect for my body. That's also why I constantly overate and developed the beetus.

I really was a disgusting obese negro and you should be glad that I'm dead.


yeah and opie used to be a comic

No, just a shitty DJ who jizzed in his pants.