Anybody here ever hear of "The Free Beer and Hot Wings Show?"

1  2014-01-24 by kgt5003

They have been syndicated in my area for maybe a year now and I heard an older O&A clip (I believe one where they are arguing with an old Program Director) where the PD is complaining about how the guys were losing in ratings to FBHW and that cost them a few syndication spots. Anyways I have listened to them a little and they are pretty funny but the reason I post this is because this morning they were giving Jim Norton a lot of props about being one of the funniest guys out there and hilarious to follow on twitter. Aside from the clips I mentioned have the guys ever brought FBHW up on their show?


That name gives me such douche chills.

Yeah I actually put off ever listening to them because I couldn't tune in to a show with that name. Truth be told I used to put off tuning into Opie and Anthony cause the name Opie made me uncomfortable. I actually started listening to O&A cause I was always a fan of Patrice and while youtubing him I was taken to a clip of him on the show with the guys and I've been hooked ever since.

Thanks for the link.

They were basically jocktobered but they were known fans of the show.

I'm surprised to hear that they jocktobered these guys. I listened to them after I heard them brought up in that older clip (and a few of my friends said they are funny) and their show is almost exactly O&A without the language cause it's commercial radio. Three guys (and a producer) ragging on shit in the news and videos online. They also do the whole "making fun of hack morning radio guys" routine to "separate themselves from the typical morning zoo." They also relentlessly bash their callers and talk about how they add nothing to the show. The same things that make me laugh about O&A make me laugh about FBHW and the same things that annoy me about O&A annoy me about FBHW.

Yeah they weren't truly "jocktobered." I remember them just making fun of there name or something to that extent. I often mix this show up with the one from a few jocktober sago when they jocktobered a Philly station that were actual fans and called in to argue with poor young Sam regarding their worth.

The name is actually atrocious but they constantly rag on their own name much the way Opie says he wishes he didn't use Opie as his radio name.

The Opster

He's all in on hating that name. He also seems all in on using a Brian Regan impression anytime he wants to portray the "I'm a dummy" voice when he's trying to crack a joke.

Haha yup. I do love Opie though, even through the insane amount of rage he creates on this subreddit.

It sounds delicious tho

Actually at the end, I think they say that they're alright. For me, having never heard them, they sounded a lot like O&A in their speech mannerisms and interview process.

Recently when jim was doing press, I think for his recent special, they aired his interviews he was doing live on the show. Free beer and hotwings was one of them.

The name is always offsetting at first, but they do a good show. Just shooting the shit and ragging on eachother for saying dumb shit, similar flow to O&A. Been listening to them for a little less than ten years and have mostly enjoyed them.

They are from my hometown. While it's neat that they are syndicated, I can't listen too them.

FreeBeer - Has the forced delivery of old radio / sportscasters that I can't stand. Dreams of doing sports talk radio and won't let it go.

Hot Wings - The delivery of Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants. The What HotWings Thinks portion of the show is some of the worst radio I've ever heard, daily monolog that sounds like it was written by an edgy 11th grader. If you like Opie's rants about his kids, you'll love FreeBeer.

Zane - I mean, the name really says it all here, though he might be the most tolerable of the group. Famous for pulling pranks in retail stores by getting them to call fictitious names over the PA's and recording it for air.

Producer Joe - He's their Sam Roberts and he uses words like "Derpy" on air. I met the guy years ago, self absorbed douche.

They're able to take market share by occupying the grey area between edgy enough for the mouth breathing public to enjoy and PC enough to be on terrestrial radio.

STOP. You're telling me that the name of the show isn't a reference to "stuff duuuuudes like", but rather to the nicknames of the hosts? One is named 'FreeBeer' and the other is named 'Hot Wings'...that's, that's terrible, I'm sorry.

A more apt show title would be:

"Cornbread and the Saltines"

Bland, inoffensive musings from the world of suburban white people.

I drive a taxi most mornings and this is the only tolerable radio show on in my area. That being said, I have to switch it off from time to time. They seem uncomfortable letting things sit. Nothing ever is given time to breath. Just horrible piling on. Ok joke, decent joke... bad joke... bad joke...bad joke... forced laugh... mumbling joke... When we come back we'll see WHAT HOT WINGS THINKS.... berrrrrrnhggher... +++commercials

Listenable sort of.

Like three Opies.

Three of em.

For the whole show.

Pretty accurate. Hot wings is definitely the weak link. The show would be better without the limitations of terrestrial. Too many goddamn commercials.

First I'm ever hearing about it.

Rape kit and crawl space in the morning!!

Yeah, it's actually pretty horrible. They steal most of their material from shit they saw on Reddit, they harass people endlessly under the guise of a comedy show, and they are racist, though they adamantly deny it.

... wait just a second there.. what show are you describing here?!

Thanks for the link.

Yeah they weren't truly "jocktobered." I remember them just making fun of there name or something to that extent. I often mix this show up with the one from a few jocktober sago when they jocktobered a Philly station that were actual fans and called in to argue with poor young Sam regarding their worth.