Does anybody know which sound clip opie uses and which one anthony uses on their instant replay machine?

1  2014-01-24 by [deleted]

Ive just always been curious which one has what on their machines.


i always wondered what the machine looked like/how it is set up

something like this I believe or maybe they have a newer model. There's like a sheet thing that goes over it with labels for the buttons.

Also, each set of rows shown is a bank. They can rotate the dial (may be a button) and the whole bank of sounds changes to the next set, so that's what they are doing when they are 'looking' for an older sound, scrolling (yesssss) through the banks of samples / clips.

Cool thanks for the info

opie also has the dial tone which is a sound effect when he "hangs up" on people. Makes for a more comedic effect


Kelsey Grammer falling down.



Ant has the cat crash. Opie has the "boo" I'm also pretty sure Ant has all the Steve C clips based on Opie seeming uncomfortable with them.

N Person The Negro all such items courtesy of Anthony Cumia

I'm not 100 percent, but I'm pretty sure


All right faggot, what's next = Opie

I can't think of any others, but I'm pretty sure I know who has which ones. If you pay attention, it's obvious sometimes because of who is talking or who laughs or whatever. And one day Ant was out and Bobby was playing with Ant's machine, which should answer a lot of it.

I think they both have the same ones.

They have different banks up with different sounds at the ready though.

When you hear well timed, relevant clips, that's Ant. When you hear out of context shit played over people followed by silence, that's Op.

I need an answer like this but in more detail

I'm pretty sure Opie has these:



"HAHAHA! That's terrific! That's terrific!"





And some other less often used ones. They're typically too long and over-used.

Ant has lots of sound effects -car crash, gunshots, punching sounds- a woman screaming, and some lines from those old porn 8 track tapes, among others.

EDIT: In fact:

hahah i was in the process of typing something very similar to this... what I'm trying to say is great post.

he took your bit and you compliment him? i used to enjoy your posts even as a supporter of opie, and you took that joy away and now im stuck with a watered down version. i mean "opiestits"? what a hack, and your a hack for letting him hack it up with your bit and then compliment it.

you know what CM... you make a good point. im going to work harder on bringing back that joy you once had and getting back to the level i once was.

Now this is the kind of energy and understanding that this sub needs.

Another savage evisceration courtesy of /u/Douche_With_A_Novelty_Account. Keep on keepin on, brotherman

The account doesn't make the statement less accurate.

I never said your statement wasn't accurate. I just said you're a nuisance.

So the pests get annoyed at nuisances. How incredibly ironic.

I get it, cuz the show's fans are called pests, and pests are annoying. Ha

he took your bit and you compliment him? i used to enjoy your posts even as a supporter of opie, and you took that joy away and now im stuck with a watered down version. i mean "opiestits"? what a hack, and your a hack for letting him hack it up with your bit and then compliment it.