Amy Schumer, Celebrity Guest Casualty?

0  2014-01-22 by [deleted]

Today (1/22/2014) they were mentioning guests who 'outgrew' the show like Tracy Morgan, Jonah Hill, and Russell Brand. They mentioned that the jury was out on Louis CK and then Amy Schumer, to which and replied 'Fuck her!' Does anyone know if that's a bit? She hasn't been on the show since she leveled up, but she has appeared on Howard. I think even CK has been on a few times since fame hit.


I am presuming you lost both your ears in some gruesome industrial accident, and now have to have the show transcribed to you on reams of type-written sheets of paper by some part-time court stenographer.

cos that's the only reasonable reason I can think of for anyone not getting the obvious, deliberate, exaggerated, over the top tone of voice Ant employed in his delivery of "FFFFFuck HHHer".

Yeah, he was very clearly joking.

I don't know how 'very' or 'clearly' it was, but I just hadn't heard a phoner from her in a while so I didn't know. Maybe you guys heard an inflection that I didn't, but that's why I asked instead of exclaiming how Ant burned Amy Schumer this morning.

Where are you on the spectrum?

Well, not to be technical, but I'm somewhere b/t Asperger's and Bobo.


It was both very "very" and very "clearly."

But was it clearly very?

Don't try to be part of the joke.

I am a part time court stenographer. I wish I could get a gig transcribing the shows for idiots!

But couldn't you get work taking dictation for any dialogue that must be on the record? It doesn't have to be in court, right?

Didja fffffffffffffffffffffuck-aaaa!?

I thought the same thing when Ant said that about Danny, but apparently that was a shoot. They moved on pretty fast, so I thought I may have missed something that my stenographer skipped (just stenographer would have done btw. Also they don't use reams of paper.)

Oh boy.

Uh-oh. Ohhhh boy. Oh no.

[spaghetti slides slowly down the wall]

"My stomach hurts..."

Didn't Anthony have a cameo on "Inside Amy Schumer" last season? It was pretty obvious that was a joke.

I guess you guys just know the show better than me.

Ant said right after in his nice guy voice that he loved Amy. He was joking...

Was he?

I am pretty sure he was especially that he said "Nah I love Amy" right after.

Maybe THAT was the sarcastic bit, schink about it.

Well then good. I hate Schumer anyways.

No, fuck her.

Amy is probably busy filming her upcoming season of her Comedy Central show so she isn't going to have much time to visit until it's time to promote.

She killed it in the premiere of GIRLS last week. I was surprised that she didn't come in to promote it.

She was on last year, wasn't she?

I can't believe she would do over the show like that. I thought she was a regular member of the Comedy Cellar crew that Jimmy hung out with on a nightly basis.

Where are you on the spectrum?

It was both very "very" and very "clearly."

"My stomach hurts..."