The transformation of Bob Kelly

13  2014-01-22 by [deleted]

Gotta say I like Bawby a shit load more than I used to, even more so than Jimmy these days.

Bobby has gone from a guy who seemed like a real reactionary immature needy tough guy when I first listened to him. But from having listened to all the Sometimes Colin Quinn podcasts I got the sense that Bobby was always searching for guidance on how he should act so that he could be a proper and responsible person, and only wanted to be a good friend to people. Listening to his recent podcasts and appearances, and listening again to day one of the Montreal comedy festival show - which he shone in, you can see he has become wholly a better person and a much stronger comedian, who doesn't think he knows everything and is ok with the process of learning it. Even if he does succumb to his long faux sighs of pondering from time to time and can be a bit corny when trying his hand in philosophy.

And that's more that can be said about a certain phoney, "baby boy" who seems to be going off on more and more baseless nonsensical arguments lately and seems like he leads a miserable, unfulfilling life outside of his celebrity pictures and the show. I can't say I think Bobby is quicker or has made me laugh as much as Jimmy, but, I can't be certain as I haven't recently seen his comedy live, I can imagine that Bobby is becoming a better comedian, ala Burr, because he is a sympathetic stage presence, better communicator and more intriguing to watch. And will continue to grow in my opinion.


He has a good heart. Who else cries at a little person getting proposed to?

The thing I respect about these guys (Jimmy, Vos, Bobby, Colin, etc.) is that they all have demons that they're willing to confront, make fun of, and conquer. Sure, they substitute them with other things (Jimmy/Sex, Bobby/Food, Vos/Gambling) but they are working at it. Bobby I really believe has matured and structured the most. It takes a lot to get through what he's gone through (listen to his podcasts about his childhood) and come out of it with a thick skin and maturity. I think starting a family has really helped him too.

I'm really proud of Bob and Louie really summed him up in a good way one day when he was in:

"Bobby has that rare loveable quality where you just want to punch him in the face and tear him apart, but you also wanna hug him at the same time."

Pretty sure Vos is battling stupidity as well

and losing horribly

I've always liked the guy. The headline made me think he'd lost weight though.


I like him too. He's a degenerate that doesnt have the arrogance to wear it on his sleeve like a badge of pride in the adolescent way Jimmy does and that really lets you in on the truth of such behavior and how it affects people in their lives (something they rarely have the balls, or sheer empathy/imagination, to mention how the shitty behaviour they tout as edgy affects the people around them). There are moments where he's questioned the boys on their behaviour too. I vaguely remember him saying that O&A were just creating an army of detached, loveless assholes also him trying to reach out to Anthony and finding nothing but a pit of nothing was fantastic.

also him trying to reach out to Anthony and finding nothing but a pit of nothing was fantastic


Iirc, there was a period of time when Jim was urging Anthony to slow things down, with the heavy drinking, speeding in sports cars, etc. Opie would correct Jim, saying he'd seen Anthony try the slow life, and how miserable it made him. So Opie keeps his mouth shut, implying Jimmy should, too. I think this conversation was had more than once. But I was a brand-new listener, going through old clips at random. So maybe I'm completely wrong...

Check out Bobby's podcast 'You Know What Dude!' and the related subreddit /r/ykwd, the podcast is a lot like O&A in that it's just a hang and they bust each other's balls.

bobby is just a softie trapped in a boston street tough's body.

the best OnA comic behind burr IMO, i love the relationship he has with the boys.

That seems to be a theme among comedian friends of the show, Colin is a softie, as is Jimmy, and burr... I suspect the only soft thing on Patrice was his belly, though lol. And Louie seems to genuinely be a bit rough around the edges. Never mind, my theory stinks.

What's funny about him being billed as a Boston comic is that he's from Medford, a cushy white suburb.

Sorry for the thesis. I don't know what good this thread does, but felt like saying it so here we are.

Edit: to be fair, Jimmy is fucking hilarious on that montreal show.

I just saw bobby live for he first time,he KILLED. Someone next to me was saying how they were going to puke from laughter. They way he did crowd work and worked his bits into it was flawless

I always hear that Bobby destroys, and it makes me wonder why he isn't bigger? We always talk about Jim not being as big as he should be. Why do you think this is the case with Bob, especially with all the exposure he's gotten with Dane, and the show, and Dennis Leary has been a big supporter of Bob too.

This surely isn't a reason but I wonder why he doesn't use bob Kelly as his stage name. He's billed as Robert Kelly but most of his fans call him bob. It's odd

He was always one of my favorites. Especially with Patrice in studio too.


My only problem with Bobby is the fact that he's a comic and he's not funny.

Say what you will about Jimmy, just like O&A there are some things that really irritate me about him, but the guy is usually fucking hilarious on the show. Bobby is not. That's all I care about. I'm sure he's a delighful man though.

Inversely, I find Jimmy hilarious on the show, but I don't like his stand up, at all. Bobby however, his live material kills and he is miles ahead of Jimmy from what I can tell.

OP bobby's always been good. Maybe you appreciate him more since he's the only, frequent, strong east coast comic associated with the show, since Patrice died.