Guys he's done it again, another great print

31  2014-01-21 by chenxu


I shit on a beach then got paralyzed by a wave

Opie is an embellishing ass, but riptides actually are serious business. A friend's dad died in one when we were teenagers.

I believe these anecdotes about public defication tell me all I need to know about Greg.

But what do they tell you about Gregg?


Hello Exactly


this is funny

Ok continue

Would love to see him pull this at a black jack table with Ant.

Ant: Hit m...

Opie: PAUSE!

All night, with elevating frequency as he gets progressively more drunk.

Waiter: Sir, would you like ano....

Opie: PAUSE!

Waiter: Sir, I don't know wha...

Opie: PAUZE! Does you think this shirt makes my boobs look big?

Waiter: Sir I don't.. umm know what..

Opie: PAUSE! PAUSE! PAUSE! Anthony, can you believe this guy ova' here I mean Jesus.

Aren't these long imaginary scenarios just the funniest things on Reddit? They're always a hoot

Yup. Almost as funny as the imaginary scenarios they describe on air.

Watch out for /u/alienmonkey. He may enjoy the show enough to write imaginary dialogue between its hosts, but if they say something he doesn't view as funny, you bet your bottom dollar he'll let em know. Godspeed.

Hmmm, I'm detecting a passive aggressive tone and a hint of personal butthurt Sarge.

Or should I say... Greg?


I wonder if he got a picture of the gang rape these three Indian gentlemen then committed on a European tourist.

Tell them to behave.

You think he'll spend another weekend signing and selling them?


Aren't these long imaginary scenarios just the funniest things on Reddit? They're always a hoot